Can RFK Jr. qualify for the debates?

In recent decades, THE quadrennial presidential debates, hosted Since 1988 through 2020 by THE impartial Commission on Presidential Debates, to have has been A two people affair. From President Bill Clinton's three Sleeves of relatively tame debate with Republican Bob Alms In 1996 through THE two debates detained In THE autumn of 2020, there to have has been two podiums For two candidates. Not Since 1992, When folk billionaire Ross Perot memorable sharing THE scene with Democratic candidate Bill Clinton And holder Republican President George H.W. Bush, has A third to party candidate had enough support has get on scene. Could that change This year, courtesy of RFK Jr.?

How could RFK Jr. TO DO he has THE scene?

Can RFK Jr. qualify for the debates?

In recent decades, THE quadrennial presidential debates, hosted Since 1988 through 2020 by THE impartial Commission on Presidential Debates, to have has been A two people affair. From President Bill Clinton's three Sleeves of relatively tame debate with Republican Bob Alms In 1996 through THE two debates detained In THE autumn of 2020, there to have has been two podiums For two candidates. Not Since 1992, When folk billionaire Ross Perot memorable sharing THE scene with Democratic candidate Bill Clinton And holder Republican President George H.W. Bush, has A third to party candidate had enough support has get on scene. Could that change This year, courtesy of RFK Jr.?

How could RFK Jr. TO DO he has THE scene?

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