Capturing the Sun: Renewable Energy for a Bright Future

Carbon dioxide levels have increased in the atmosphere, reaching over 400 ppm. The last time CO2 levels were this high was 4 million years ago. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are losing ice at a rate three times faster than 30 years ago.

The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, is one of the main contributors to the deterioration of climatic conditions. Not only do fossil fuels release CO2 into the atmosphere, they also emit other harmful gases and particles that further degrade air quality.

As individuals and businesses, we must take immediate action to repair the damage we have caused. Switching to renewable energy sources and working with energy management tools to monitor energy consumption are two steps that have the potential to make a clima(c)tic difference.

What is renewable energy?

Renewable energy is derived from natural sources such as sunlight, wind, water and biomass. Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy is environmentally friendly and can be used indefinitely because it replenishes much faster than we consume it.

As more devastating environmental news surfaces, we can all see that we have better options to work with than non-renewable sources. Read on to learn more about renewable energy, its benefits, and new developments in clean energy.

Importance of renewable energies

Renewable energy has been turning heads in recent years for several reasons, including its sustainability. While fossil fuels are finite and take millions of years to form, renewable energy resources replenish naturally and quickly. With the way we burn fossil fuels, we're going to run out of it sooner than we're ready.

By switching to renewable energy, individuals and businesses can both contribute to a more livable future that runs on resources that are not at risk of depletion, at least while the sun is still shining.

Renewable energy sources also have the potential to generate clean energy with minimal or even zero greenhouse gas emissions. This is what the world needs now!

Renewable energies in business

Using renewable energy resources is a chance for companies to position themselves to support the rapidly changing energy landscape. By using renewable resources, you and your business can reduce carbon emissions and your reliance on the grid, stay motivated, and save money in the long run. As a bonus, consumers and investors will also see your brand in a good light as they become more environmentally conscious, preferring companies that participate in corporate social responsibility.

"A clean energy transition is about investing in our future."

Gloria ReubenActress and environmental activist Types of renewable energy

Using renewable energy does not require digging up the remains of animals and plants that lived millions of years ago. Everything you need is right outside your door. The different types of renewables you can invest in are just beginning to emerge.

1. Solar energy

At any one time, the sun is giving us over 173,000 terawatts of solar energy, 10,000 times more than we need here on Earth each year. It is the most abundant of all renewable energy resources and can be converted into electrical energy to run a variety of applications, from homes to large-scale factories. Plus, it doesn't produce any pollutants!

Harvesting solar energy requires solar panels to capture energy from the sun, which can be done even on cloudy days. Solar technologies use photovoltaic panels or mirrors that concentrate solar radiation for the production of electricity.

Companies considering implementing renewable energy should consider investing in solar power as an alternative, as solar panels are cost effective and have a lifespan of around 30 years.

2. Wind energy

Wind turbines installed on land or at sea exploit the kinetic energy of the wind. Wind energy is used to move blades which in turn power a generator and produce electrical energy. The electricity is then converted to a higher voltage and fed into the national grid.

The technology of harnessing wind energy has evolved considerably, from traditional wind farms to large...

Capturing the Sun: Renewable Energy for a Bright Future

Carbon dioxide levels have increased in the atmosphere, reaching over 400 ppm. The last time CO2 levels were this high was 4 million years ago. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are losing ice at a rate three times faster than 30 years ago.

The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, is one of the main contributors to the deterioration of climatic conditions. Not only do fossil fuels release CO2 into the atmosphere, they also emit other harmful gases and particles that further degrade air quality.

As individuals and businesses, we must take immediate action to repair the damage we have caused. Switching to renewable energy sources and working with energy management tools to monitor energy consumption are two steps that have the potential to make a clima(c)tic difference.

What is renewable energy?

Renewable energy is derived from natural sources such as sunlight, wind, water and biomass. Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy is environmentally friendly and can be used indefinitely because it replenishes much faster than we consume it.

As more devastating environmental news surfaces, we can all see that we have better options to work with than non-renewable sources. Read on to learn more about renewable energy, its benefits, and new developments in clean energy.

Importance of renewable energies

Renewable energy has been turning heads in recent years for several reasons, including its sustainability. While fossil fuels are finite and take millions of years to form, renewable energy resources replenish naturally and quickly. With the way we burn fossil fuels, we're going to run out of it sooner than we're ready.

By switching to renewable energy, individuals and businesses can both contribute to a more livable future that runs on resources that are not at risk of depletion, at least while the sun is still shining.

Renewable energy sources also have the potential to generate clean energy with minimal or even zero greenhouse gas emissions. This is what the world needs now!

Renewable energies in business

Using renewable energy resources is a chance for companies to position themselves to support the rapidly changing energy landscape. By using renewable resources, you and your business can reduce carbon emissions and your reliance on the grid, stay motivated, and save money in the long run. As a bonus, consumers and investors will also see your brand in a good light as they become more environmentally conscious, preferring companies that participate in corporate social responsibility.

"A clean energy transition is about investing in our future."

Gloria ReubenActress and environmental activist Types of renewable energy

Using renewable energy does not require digging up the remains of animals and plants that lived millions of years ago. Everything you need is right outside your door. The different types of renewables you can invest in are just beginning to emerge.

1. Solar energy

At any one time, the sun is giving us over 173,000 terawatts of solar energy, 10,000 times more than we need here on Earth each year. It is the most abundant of all renewable energy resources and can be converted into electrical energy to run a variety of applications, from homes to large-scale factories. Plus, it doesn't produce any pollutants!

Harvesting solar energy requires solar panels to capture energy from the sun, which can be done even on cloudy days. Solar technologies use photovoltaic panels or mirrors that concentrate solar radiation for the production of electricity.

Companies considering implementing renewable energy should consider investing in solar power as an alternative, as solar panels are cost effective and have a lifespan of around 30 years.

2. Wind energy

Wind turbines installed on land or at sea exploit the kinetic energy of the wind. Wind energy is used to move blades which in turn power a generator and produce electrical energy. The electricity is then converted to a higher voltage and fed into the national grid.

The technology of harnessing wind energy has evolved considerably, from traditional wind farms to large...

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