Cardano Founder Proposes Bitcoin Cash Integration in X Poll

THE Yes are winner with 8,301 voice For has 4,212 against, as of THE time of This articles publication.

Cardano founder proposes Bitcoin Cash integration in X survey News

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Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson recently job A "hypothetical survey" on THE X social media platform ask THE crypto community if they would have be interested In seeing A Cardano And Bitcoin Species the integration.

THE survey received more that 12,000 voice In It is First of all 24 hours with A 66.3% early majority vote "Yes" has THE proposal.

Source: @IOHK_Charles on X.

"Would be You as has see Bitcoin Species become A Cardano Partner chain upgraded with Useful Evidence of Work Leios, NiPoPoW, And SO technology, Thus be THE the fastest And most useful evidence of work chain Never built?"

As mentioned above, Hoskinson labeled her survey as be hypothetical. However, as Elon Musk has watch Since her purchase of THE X platform, formerly...

Cardano Founder Proposes Bitcoin Cash Integration in X Poll

THE Yes are winner with 8,301 voice For has 4,212 against, as of THE time of This articles publication.

Cardano founder proposes Bitcoin Cash integration in X survey News

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Collect This article as NFT Join We on social networks

Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson recently job A "hypothetical survey" on THE X social media platform ask THE crypto community if they would have be interested In seeing A Cardano And Bitcoin Species the integration.

THE survey received more that 12,000 voice In It is First of all 24 hours with A 66.3% early majority vote "Yes" has THE proposal.

Source: @IOHK_Charles on X.

"Would be You as has see Bitcoin Species become A Cardano Partner chain upgraded with Useful Evidence of Work Leios, NiPoPoW, And SO technology, Thus be THE the fastest And most useful evidence of work chain Never built?"

As mentioned above, Hoskinson labeled her survey as be hypothetical. However, as Elon Musk has watch Since her purchase of THE X platform, formerly...

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