Cary Elwes broadcasts Radio Hope in WWII film 'Resistance: 1942'

Resistance: 1942 Trailer

"We are all being hunted...All the darkness in the world can't put out the light." Quiver Distribution has released an official trailer for the movie Resistance: 1942, which is an alternate release title for what was originally known as Burning at Both Ends. This already opened in a few other countries last year and will be released in the US direct to VOD in November. "In wartime, one voice changed the game." Caught behind enemy lines, a small group of dissident survivors struggle to stay hidden from the Nazis as they use a radio to spread a message of hope. The film is set in France, following a man named Jacques (played by Cary Elwes) who broadcasts a message of hope on a small radio. He hides in an attic with his daughter Juliette and a small group of fellow survivors to broadcast, while avoiding the Nazi occupiers. Also starring Jason Patric, Judd Hirsch, Greer Grammer and Sebastian Roche. I'm sure it's based on a true story, but the movie is so melodramatic it's hard to enjoy. Always good to keep telling these stories.

Official US trailer (+ poster) for Resistance: 1942 by Matthew Hill and Landon Johnson, on YouTube:

Resistance: 1942 Poster

1942. France is under Nazi control. The Allies have been driven from the continent and their defeat in North Africa seems likely. Germany's victory is almost absolute. Beneath this dark shadow, a man named Jacques (Cary Elwes) uses a radio to broadcast a message of hope. He hides in an attic with his daughter Juliet (Greer Grammer) and a small group of survivors (Judd Hirsch, Mira Furlan), playing cat and mouse with the German occupiers. The world becomes too dangerous when the Gestapo sends Captain Klaus Jager (Sebastian Roche) to catch Jacques. As Klaus closes in, Jacques and his small group desperately try to escape their pursuer, trusting in the help of the enigmatic André (Jason Patric), a Swiss banker. Ultimately, this trust may prove to be the very thing that leads the hunter to his prey. Resistance: 1942, also known as Burning at Both Ends, is co-written and co-directed by filmmakers Matthew Hill and Landon Johnson (also of Hello, My Name Is Charlie), making their first feature film together. Based on the story by Jonah M. Hirsch. Quiver Distribution will release Resistance: 1942 direct to VOD starting November 11, 2022 and soon this fall. Anyone interested?

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Cary Elwes broadcasts Radio Hope in WWII film 'Resistance: 1942'
Resistance: 1942 Trailer

"We are all being hunted...All the darkness in the world can't put out the light." Quiver Distribution has released an official trailer for the movie Resistance: 1942, which is an alternate release title for what was originally known as Burning at Both Ends. This already opened in a few other countries last year and will be released in the US direct to VOD in November. "In wartime, one voice changed the game." Caught behind enemy lines, a small group of dissident survivors struggle to stay hidden from the Nazis as they use a radio to spread a message of hope. The film is set in France, following a man named Jacques (played by Cary Elwes) who broadcasts a message of hope on a small radio. He hides in an attic with his daughter Juliette and a small group of fellow survivors to broadcast, while avoiding the Nazi occupiers. Also starring Jason Patric, Judd Hirsch, Greer Grammer and Sebastian Roche. I'm sure it's based on a true story, but the movie is so melodramatic it's hard to enjoy. Always good to keep telling these stories.

Official US trailer (+ poster) for Resistance: 1942 by Matthew Hill and Landon Johnson, on YouTube:

Resistance: 1942 Poster

1942. France is under Nazi control. The Allies have been driven from the continent and their defeat in North Africa seems likely. Germany's victory is almost absolute. Beneath this dark shadow, a man named Jacques (Cary Elwes) uses a radio to broadcast a message of hope. He hides in an attic with his daughter Juliet (Greer Grammer) and a small group of survivors (Judd Hirsch, Mira Furlan), playing cat and mouse with the German occupiers. The world becomes too dangerous when the Gestapo sends Captain Klaus Jager (Sebastian Roche) to catch Jacques. As Klaus closes in, Jacques and his small group desperately try to escape their pursuer, trusting in the help of the enigmatic André (Jason Patric), a Swiss banker. Ultimately, this trust may prove to be the very thing that leads the hunter to his prey. Resistance: 1942, also known as Burning at Both Ends, is co-written and co-directed by filmmakers Matthew Hill and Landon Johnson (also of Hello, My Name Is Charlie), making their first feature film together. Based on the story by Jonah M. Hirsch. Quiver Distribution will release Resistance: 1942 direct to VOD starting November 11, 2022 and soon this fall. Anyone interested?

Find more articles: Must Watch, Trailer

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