Celebrate the Immaculate Conception and the Divinity of Women!

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, recognizes the divinity of women with the affirmation that the Virgin Mary was immaculate, “sinless,” even from her own conception.

The idea that the Virgin Mary was born without sin teaches that the divinity of women and men is equal. The patriarchal church doesn't quite get there, but that's what the teaching says.

The extension of thought leads to the deduction that the One cannot have gender or race or even be human. The miracle of life is in all living beings. The earth and the universe are the containers of life and therefore must also be divine. If all life is not divine, then nothing is.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception 2022

The next Party is Thursday, December 8, 2022.

Origins of the holiday

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is a devotion to the idea that the Virgin Mary is free from sin. Catholics celebrate the feast on December 8.

The idea comes from the Eastern Church in Constantinople. One of the entry points for this idea in the west was the Normans (Norsemen) of what is now France (Normandy).

The devotion came from the people and the Church responded. There has been much religious controversy about the Immaculate Conception over the years, as thinkers debated the exact date to which the "impeccability" of the Virgin Mary dates.

The Immaculate Conception became Catholic dogma in 1854. This decision seems to have been part of a power play for the popularity of the Catholic Church in Rome, as it was losing power during the rise of Italian nationalism and the movement towards the unification of Italy. .

What does the Immaculate Conception mean?
Detail of Immaculate Conception from Murillo 'La Inmaculada de Soult' (c1678). (Prado Museum/Wikimedia)

Celebrate the Immaculate Conception and the Divinity of Women!

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, recognizes the divinity of women with the affirmation that the Virgin Mary was immaculate, “sinless,” even from her own conception.

The idea that the Virgin Mary was born without sin teaches that the divinity of women and men is equal. The patriarchal church doesn't quite get there, but that's what the teaching says.

The extension of thought leads to the deduction that the One cannot have gender or race or even be human. The miracle of life is in all living beings. The earth and the universe are the containers of life and therefore must also be divine. If all life is not divine, then nothing is.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception 2022

The next Party is Thursday, December 8, 2022.

Origins of the holiday

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is a devotion to the idea that the Virgin Mary is free from sin. Catholics celebrate the feast on December 8.

The idea comes from the Eastern Church in Constantinople. One of the entry points for this idea in the west was the Normans (Norsemen) of what is now France (Normandy).

The devotion came from the people and the Church responded. There has been much religious controversy about the Immaculate Conception over the years, as thinkers debated the exact date to which the "impeccability" of the Virgin Mary dates.

The Immaculate Conception became Catholic dogma in 1854. This decision seems to have been part of a power play for the popularity of the Catholic Church in Rome, as it was losing power during the rise of Italian nationalism and the movement towards the unification of Italy. .

What does the Immaculate Conception mean?
Detail of Immaculate Conception from Murillo 'La Inmaculada de Soult' (c1678). (Prado Museum/Wikimedia)

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