Cheaper than the Caribbean, warmer than the Canaries - Cape Verde is a winner for winter sun

Africa's darling islands: Cheaper than the Caribbean and warmer than the Canaries - Cape Verde is a winner for sunny winter adventuresKit Hesketh-Harvey travels the archipelago from island to island, Santiago to Sal Island He visits Cidade Velha, a 1460s Portuguese Colony listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site On Fogo at the Tropical Club, he feasts on whelks, barnacles and light rum with a heavy punch Advertisement

Everyone here is gorgeous. The women, staring at the men, passed svelte in their form-fitting dresses, their thick coils of stacked curls.

The men, over 6 feet, dignified, with long legs, with a thin forehead, look back. The children, adorable enough to whine, ogle the stray dogs. And even the dogs are healthy and elegant. I had landed here briefly once before, unplanned on a transatlantic flight.

One ​​of the other passengers had apparently died. But I knew nothing then about this extraordinary archipelago, over there in the middle of the ocean.

Rugged Charm: Kit Hesketh-Harvey roams the islands that make up the Cape archipelago -Green Above is the beautiful beach of Tarrafal on the island of Santiago - Kit's first stop Nearest Cape Verde landfall , Dakar, is 400 miles away

I should have done that. You should. It is called Cape Verde. Nowhere else is particularly close. Brazil is a five and a half hour flight, the UK six hours.

The nearest landfall, Dakar, is 400 miles away . In the 1460s, Portuguese explorers zigzagged along the west coast of Africa. A great zig led them to these t...

Cheaper than the Caribbean, warmer than the Canaries - Cape Verde is a winner for winter sun
Africa's darling islands: Cheaper than the Caribbean and warmer than the Canaries - Cape Verde is a winner for sunny winter adventuresKit Hesketh-Harvey travels the archipelago from island to island, Santiago to Sal Island He visits Cidade Velha, a 1460s Portuguese Colony listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site On Fogo at the Tropical Club, he feasts on whelks, barnacles and light rum with a heavy punch Advertisement

Everyone here is gorgeous. The women, staring at the men, passed svelte in their form-fitting dresses, their thick coils of stacked curls.

The men, over 6 feet, dignified, with long legs, with a thin forehead, look back. The children, adorable enough to whine, ogle the stray dogs. And even the dogs are healthy and elegant. I had landed here briefly once before, unplanned on a transatlantic flight.

One ​​of the other passengers had apparently died. But I knew nothing then about this extraordinary archipelago, over there in the middle of the ocean.

Rugged Charm: Kit Hesketh-Harvey roams the islands that make up the Cape archipelago -Green Above is the beautiful beach of Tarrafal on the island of Santiago - Kit's first stop Nearest Cape Verde landfall , Dakar, is 400 miles away

I should have done that. You should. It is called Cape Verde. Nowhere else is particularly close. Brazil is a five and a half hour flight, the UK six hours.

The nearest landfall, Dakar, is 400 miles away . In the 1460s, Portuguese explorers zigzagged along the west coast of Africa. A great zig led them to these t...

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