Christian Bale became a bit of a 'stalker' while studying in Amsterdam

Knowing the level of dedication to craftsmanship through his on-screen performances and seeing his personality shine through in various interviews and awards speeches over the years, it seems perfectly reasonable that Bale would commit such a bizarre act. and random. In a recent Entertainment Weekly interview, Bale confessed to finding inspiration in an unlikely place:

“I remember talking on the phone once with David [O. Russell] and seeing this incredibly interesting guy walking down the street. I just became a weird stalker following him and studying him. . So he's got a lot of influence no matter who he is there. I don't know his name. He'll never know either."

Granted, it would be more of a compliment to this random stranger if Burt Berendsen became one of Bale's most iconic roles. Instead, the performance will likely be an example of leaning a bit too far into Bale's unconventional instincts. Glass-eyed TV sleuth Columbo (Peter Falk) has also become a small piece of Burt's character puzzle, which makes perfect sense actually.

Even when he goes a little left of centre, Bale remains a consummate professional who really looks like he's meant to be an actor. Searching and pretending to be someone else can be a very serious business and a process that stays with you for a long time. For the trick to really work, an artist must fully devote themselves to truly becoming someone else. Bale is constantly searching, telling EW, "I never begin to understand people. That's why I think I love doing what I do, because I'm constantly confused but thrilled by them."


Christian Bale became a bit of a 'stalker' while studying in Amsterdam

Knowing the level of dedication to craftsmanship through his on-screen performances and seeing his personality shine through in various interviews and awards speeches over the years, it seems perfectly reasonable that Bale would commit such a bizarre act. and random. In a recent Entertainment Weekly interview, Bale confessed to finding inspiration in an unlikely place:

“I remember talking on the phone once with David [O. Russell] and seeing this incredibly interesting guy walking down the street. I just became a weird stalker following him and studying him. . So he's got a lot of influence no matter who he is there. I don't know his name. He'll never know either."

Granted, it would be more of a compliment to this random stranger if Burt Berendsen became one of Bale's most iconic roles. Instead, the performance will likely be an example of leaning a bit too far into Bale's unconventional instincts. Glass-eyed TV sleuth Columbo (Peter Falk) has also become a small piece of Burt's character puzzle, which makes perfect sense actually.

Even when he goes a little left of centre, Bale remains a consummate professional who really looks like he's meant to be an actor. Searching and pretending to be someone else can be a very serious business and a process that stays with you for a long time. For the trick to really work, an artist must fully devote themselves to truly becoming someone else. Bale is constantly searching, telling EW, "I never begin to understand people. That's why I think I love doing what I do, because I'm constantly confused but thrilled by them."


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