Climate Chain Coalition Releases Report on Blockchain and Emerging Technologies at COP 27

Cointelegraph is a member of the network of organizations committed to using blockchain technology for climate action.

Climate Chain Coalition releases report on blockchain and emerging technologies at COP 27 New

The Climate Chain Coalition (CCC), a network of organizations dedicated to harnessing blockchain technology for effective climate action that includes Cointelegraph as a member, presented its stocktaking report on November 11 at the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP 27, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

Founded five years ago, the coalition works on initiatives related to the consumption accounting system and greenhouse gas emissions accounting. Tom Baumann, President and Founder of the Climate Chain Coalition, said:

"During these years, the coalition has grown from 12 founding organizations to more than 360 organizations in 69 countries. The coalition was founded on the philosophy of blockchain and emerging technologies as an open distributed network where members self-organize into member-led initiatives."

Climate Chain Coalition members at COP 27 in Egypt.

The mission of the coalition is to solve the problems and challenges needed to advance transformative digital climate innovations by creating resources for support shared digital and data infrastructure, supporting networking and capacity building, and partnership between digital and climate communities.

Related: How blockchain technology is transforming climate action

Cointelegraph Editor-in-Chief Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr speaking at COP 27 on the relevance of blockchain in the fight against climate change.

Speaking at the panel, the Editor-in-Chief Cointelegraph chief Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr commented:

"Education is key here, and media accountability is incredibly high...

Climate Chain Coalition Releases Report on Blockchain and Emerging Technologies at COP 27

Cointelegraph is a member of the network of organizations committed to using blockchain technology for climate action.

Climate Chain Coalition releases report on blockchain and emerging technologies at COP 27 New

The Climate Chain Coalition (CCC), a network of organizations dedicated to harnessing blockchain technology for effective climate action that includes Cointelegraph as a member, presented its stocktaking report on November 11 at the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP 27, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

Founded five years ago, the coalition works on initiatives related to the consumption accounting system and greenhouse gas emissions accounting. Tom Baumann, President and Founder of the Climate Chain Coalition, said:

"During these years, the coalition has grown from 12 founding organizations to more than 360 organizations in 69 countries. The coalition was founded on the philosophy of blockchain and emerging technologies as an open distributed network where members self-organize into member-led initiatives."

Climate Chain Coalition members at COP 27 in Egypt.

The mission of the coalition is to solve the problems and challenges needed to advance transformative digital climate innovations by creating resources for support shared digital and data infrastructure, supporting networking and capacity building, and partnership between digital and climate communities.

Related: How blockchain technology is transforming climate action

Cointelegraph Editor-in-Chief Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr speaking at COP 27 on the relevance of blockchain in the fight against climate change.

Speaking at the panel, the Editor-in-Chief Cointelegraph chief Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr commented:

"Education is key here, and media accountability is incredibly high...

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