Crypto Like Railroads Part 2: Blockchain as New Internet Planner

Just as railroads transformed everyday life in cities in its early days, blockchain technology continues to shape the format of the internet and its users. Crypto, like railways, Part 2: Blockchain as the new internet planner Opinion

In my last article “Crypto, like railroads, is among the best global innovations of the millennium”, I compare the blockchain revolution to the railroad boom. If we apply this analogy further, what will happen next?

Stuart Hylton in his book What the Railways Did for Us: The Making of Modern Britain quotes this quote: "The direct effects of railway building are, after all, sufficiently considerable in themselves to require no exaggeration, they profoundly influenced the internal traffic flows, site choices and land use patterns, residential densities and development prospects of the central and inner districts of the Victorian city. »

When looking at the development of blockchain technology, one can make a curious observation. First, no one saw it coming: people overlooked Bitcoin (BTC) and related applications; blockchain protocols were condemned as useless, while Wall Street predicted the fall of crypto. Laugh or not, Bitcoin has "died" over 400 times. Second, the industry has captured the minds of the public and professionals, governors and creators; in the blink of an eye, the Internet adopted the roadmap from Web2 to Web3.

Just like the paths of iron transformed cities In the beginning, blockchain continues to shape the format of the internet. Below, I highlight some of the key ways it influences the design and architecture of virtual networks and physical infrastructure.

Quasi Silver

The primary use case for cryptocurrency is instant, uncensored, and nearly free payment. The majority of crypto users do not care to replace the central bank currency in their country; they simply take advantage of the speed and seamless fungibility of fresh money.

Often, this digital money is accepted when there is a usage limit or a...

Crypto Like Railroads Part 2: Blockchain as New Internet Planner

Just as railroads transformed everyday life in cities in its early days, blockchain technology continues to shape the format of the internet and its users. Crypto, like railways, Part 2: Blockchain as the new internet planner Opinion

In my last article “Crypto, like railroads, is among the best global innovations of the millennium”, I compare the blockchain revolution to the railroad boom. If we apply this analogy further, what will happen next?

Stuart Hylton in his book What the Railways Did for Us: The Making of Modern Britain quotes this quote: "The direct effects of railway building are, after all, sufficiently considerable in themselves to require no exaggeration, they profoundly influenced the internal traffic flows, site choices and land use patterns, residential densities and development prospects of the central and inner districts of the Victorian city. »

When looking at the development of blockchain technology, one can make a curious observation. First, no one saw it coming: people overlooked Bitcoin (BTC) and related applications; blockchain protocols were condemned as useless, while Wall Street predicted the fall of crypto. Laugh or not, Bitcoin has "died" over 400 times. Second, the industry has captured the minds of the public and professionals, governors and creators; in the blink of an eye, the Internet adopted the roadmap from Web2 to Web3.

Just like the paths of iron transformed cities In the beginning, blockchain continues to shape the format of the internet. Below, I highlight some of the key ways it influences the design and architecture of virtual networks and physical infrastructure.

Quasi Silver

The primary use case for cryptocurrency is instant, uncensored, and nearly free payment. The majority of crypto users do not care to replace the central bank currency in their country; they simply take advantage of the speed and seamless fungibility of fresh money.

Often, this digital money is accepted when there is a usage limit or a...

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