Funding for crypto startups eclipses $100 billion

THE $100 billion brand took just ten years with THE bulk raised Since THE COVID-19 pandemic.

Funding for crypto startups eclipses $100 billion News

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More that $100 billion has has been raised For cryptocurrency startups Since THE END of Can 2014.

Look back, there to have has been tops And the lowest in the middle of regulatory uncertainty And walk volatility. But THE pass four years to have seen both THE ceiling And ground raised despite continue peaks And hollow.

Data coming from Since TVL aggregator ChallengeLlama watch that as of June 16, 2024, THE total funding checked in For THE cryptocurrency industry is sitting has $101.35 billion. Path back In Can of 2014, just five years After Bitcoin was created (And always A year out Since Ethereum launch), THE First of all month of cryptocurrency to start up funding on save was For A relatively paltry $17.14 millions.

Fast Before ten years has Can 2024, And industry funding hit $280.25 million For THE month — substantially upper that A decade There is but GOOD short of THE previous month...

Funding for crypto startups eclipses $100 billion

THE $100 billion brand took just ten years with THE bulk raised Since THE COVID-19 pandemic.

Funding for crypto startups eclipses $100 billion News

Own This piece of crypto history

Collect This article as NFT Join We on social networks

More that $100 billion has has been raised For cryptocurrency startups Since THE END of Can 2014.

Look back, there to have has been tops And the lowest in the middle of regulatory uncertainty And walk volatility. But THE pass four years to have seen both THE ceiling And ground raised despite continue peaks And hollow.

Data coming from Since TVL aggregator ChallengeLlama watch that as of June 16, 2024, THE total funding checked in For THE cryptocurrency industry is sitting has $101.35 billion. Path back In Can of 2014, just five years After Bitcoin was created (And always A year out Since Ethereum launch), THE First of all month of cryptocurrency to start up funding on save was For A relatively paltry $17.14 millions.

Fast Before ten years has Can 2024, And industry funding hit $280.25 million For THE month — substantially upper that A decade There is but GOOD short of THE previous month...

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