Darius Campbell Danesh: Gerard Butler pays tribute to deceased friend

Gerald Butler and Darius Campbell DaneshSource image, Gerald Butler/Instagram

Hollywood star Gerard Butler says he was 'devastated' by the death of his n "brother in arms" Darius Campbell Danesh.

In an Instagram tribute, he shared a photo of them smiling together, writing that Darius had "the heart of a lion" and was "the perfect friend".

The Scottish singer, who was 41, was found dead in his Minnesota apartment on August 11.

Fellow Pop Idol contestant Will Young also paid tribute.

On Twitter, he shared a photo taken while they were on the TV talent show in 2002 and said his thoughts are with Darius' family.

For the past few days my thoughts are with Darius' family and will continue to be too. I found this photo taken during Pop Idol some time ago. pic.twitter.com/tDwVZCDE7V

— Will Young (@willyoung) August 19, 2022 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. See the original tweet on Twitter top of the pile. Motivated, courageous and gentle. My love goes out to his family right now x"

Campbell Danesh first rose to fame on the ITV Popstars show in 2001 and then the year Next he finished third on Pop Idol behind Will Young and Gareth Gates. a West End star, appearing in musicals like Chicago and Olivier Award-winning Guys and Dolls.

Colourblind has re-entered the music charts since his death, and was number two on the iTunes downloads chart Friday morning.

Darius Campbell Danesh: Gerard Butler pays tribute to deceased friend
Gerald Butler and Darius Campbell DaneshSource image, Gerald Butler/Instagram

Hollywood star Gerard Butler says he was 'devastated' by the death of his n "brother in arms" Darius Campbell Danesh.

In an Instagram tribute, he shared a photo of them smiling together, writing that Darius had "the heart of a lion" and was "the perfect friend".

The Scottish singer, who was 41, was found dead in his Minnesota apartment on August 11.

Fellow Pop Idol contestant Will Young also paid tribute.

On Twitter, he shared a photo taken while they were on the TV talent show in 2002 and said his thoughts are with Darius' family.

For the past few days my thoughts are with Darius' family and will continue to be too. I found this photo taken during Pop Idol some time ago. pic.twitter.com/tDwVZCDE7V

— Will Young (@willyoung) August 19, 2022 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. See the original tweet on Twitter top of the pile. Motivated, courageous and gentle. My love goes out to his family right now x"

Campbell Danesh first rose to fame on the ITV Popstars show in 2001 and then the year Next he finished third on Pop Idol behind Will Young and Gareth Gates. a West End star, appearing in musicals like Chicago and Olivier Award-winning Guys and Dolls.

Colourblind has re-entered the music charts since his death, and was number two on the iTunes downloads chart Friday morning.

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