David Cameron contradicts Keir Starmer's 'fresh start' Easter message by calling it 'renewal'

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David Cameron emphasized Easter message of "renewal" hours after Keir Starmer spoke of "new beginnings" in a seasonal greeting widely seen as with an eye on the next election.

Sir Keir, who hopes to win the keys to Downing Street later this year, said it was a time of year when people would think about "our future and how things can change for the better. p>

But former Conservative leader Lord Cameron, now Foreign Secretary, highlighted Easter's story of "hope and renewal" by posting his own message on X, formerly known as from Twitter.

The Conservatives have already tried to prevent Labor from appropriating the “change” narrative in the general election, knowing that voters are tired after 14 years of Tory rule.

Mr. Sunak presented himself as the "change" candidate at his party's annual conference last year - attacking his predecessors, including Lord Cameron.

However, this idea was quickly abandoned after failing to improve the party's disastrous poll results.

Instead, the Conservatives sought to suggest they were changing the economy, with a plan they urged the public to follow, after inflation fell significantly.

Contrary to the Labor leader's message, Rishi Sunak said Easter was a time to “pause and reflect”.

The Easter messages come just weeks before local elections on May 2, which could give an early indication of the Conservatives' and Labor's prospects in the general election.

Mr. Starmer, who is on track to win a landslide general election victory according to a new poll, used his message to say people would use Easter to think about "our future and how things can change for the better ".

As families and friends gather to celebrate the holidays, we turn our thoughts to new beginnings , our f...

David Cameron contradicts Keir Starmer's 'fresh start' Easter message by calling it 'renewal'
View from Westminster Sign up to the View from Westminster email for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter an email address valid emailPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive an email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later.{{ /verifyErrors }}

David Cameron emphasized Easter message of "renewal" hours after Keir Starmer spoke of "new beginnings" in a seasonal greeting widely seen as with an eye on the next election.

Sir Keir, who hopes to win the keys to Downing Street later this year, said it was a time of year when people would think about "our future and how things can change for the better. p>

But former Conservative leader Lord Cameron, now Foreign Secretary, highlighted Easter's story of "hope and renewal" by posting his own message on X, formerly known as from Twitter.

The Conservatives have already tried to prevent Labor from appropriating the “change” narrative in the general election, knowing that voters are tired after 14 years of Tory rule.

Mr. Sunak presented himself as the "change" candidate at his party's annual conference last year - attacking his predecessors, including Lord Cameron.

However, this idea was quickly abandoned after failing to improve the party's disastrous poll results.

Instead, the Conservatives sought to suggest they were changing the economy, with a plan they urged the public to follow, after inflation fell significantly.

Contrary to the Labor leader's message, Rishi Sunak said Easter was a time to “pause and reflect”.

The Easter messages come just weeks before local elections on May 2, which could give an early indication of the Conservatives' and Labor's prospects in the general election.

Mr. Starmer, who is on track to win a landslide general election victory according to a new poll, used his message to say people would use Easter to think about "our future and how things can change for the better ".

As families and friends gather to celebrate the holidays, we turn our thoughts to new beginnings , our f...

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