Direct to Consumer Marketing 101: How to Get Started

Who isn't guilty of scrolling through their feed at 3am, finding an irresistible urge to buy something on a shopping app, and waking up the next day like nothing happened?

This is the result of immersive direct marketing.

What is Direct to Consumer Marketing?

Previously, companies would go through stages to reach the customer. Cut to 2022, and customers can literally bring products home with just a few clicks. Brands have uninterrupted exclusive access to the minds of customers, provided they get there early.

How did this change in the path to purchase happen? Why did cart checkouts replace long lines and when did customer experience take center stage? When did bad reviews replace disgruntled in-store customers? What created this transformative marketing method?

Effortless shopping.

Customers are the key to success, and when they have to search for their favorite brand they saw on TV or wait in line to get your products, their patience and interest dwindle. Reliance on department stores and large retailers ultimately leads to poor customer experience.

Direct-to-consumer (D2C) marketing is a method of marketing in which a business markets and sells products and services directly to end consumers, eliminating the need for middlemen.

Benefits of Direct to Consumer Marketing

Direct-to-consumer marketing has many benefits. D2C marketing method helps online storefronts:

Reduce reliance on intermediaries. Far too often, brands rely on retailers and other intermediaries to relay their brand message and impact consumers. But when retailers sell hundreds of products, brands have to pay extra to stand out to consumers. In the direct-to-consumer marketing model, brands can cut to the chase, showcase their value propositions, and connect directly with consumers through online storefronts. Scale faster. Ensuring your brand stickiness is a recipe for growth; it is a sure way to increase income. Brand Adherence helps your business turn prospects into advocates for your brand and turn them into loyal customers. Improve brand recall. It's easy to improve brand recall when you're doing direct-to-consumer marketing because you're keeping your customers' minds busy via text, email, or chat. And if you offer what they need, you get that much-needed reminder. Direct-to-consumer marketing also helps improve brand recall because there are no distractions or middlemen in the buyer's journey. Personalize messages: With direct-to-consumer marketing, brands regain access to the entire customer experience that was previously in the hands of intermediaries. Attracting, engaging and converting customers becomes easier because you can collect customer data that will help you understand them better, personalize your offer and communication, and convert faster.

Now that we know the benefits of direct-to-consumer marketing, let's move on to the next important thing: who is your audience?

Why do millennials love D2C marketing?

Direct-to-consumer marketing stands its ground against a cohort of customers: those born between the years 1981 and 1996, or millennials. Why? Because they make over 54% of their purchases online.

d2c millennial marketing statistics

Source: Freshworks

Millennials love a hassle-free shopping experience, as it's a refreshing change from the brick-and-mortar stores they were used to growing up. Since they are tech-savvy, have purchasing power and also rely heavily on online shopping, it is easier for online storefronts to attract and engage them in their online store.

If you're good at marketing to millennial audiences...

Direct to Consumer Marketing 101: How to Get Started

Who isn't guilty of scrolling through their feed at 3am, finding an irresistible urge to buy something on a shopping app, and waking up the next day like nothing happened?

This is the result of immersive direct marketing.

What is Direct to Consumer Marketing?

Previously, companies would go through stages to reach the customer. Cut to 2022, and customers can literally bring products home with just a few clicks. Brands have uninterrupted exclusive access to the minds of customers, provided they get there early.

How did this change in the path to purchase happen? Why did cart checkouts replace long lines and when did customer experience take center stage? When did bad reviews replace disgruntled in-store customers? What created this transformative marketing method?

Effortless shopping.

Customers are the key to success, and when they have to search for their favorite brand they saw on TV or wait in line to get your products, their patience and interest dwindle. Reliance on department stores and large retailers ultimately leads to poor customer experience.

Direct-to-consumer (D2C) marketing is a method of marketing in which a business markets and sells products and services directly to end consumers, eliminating the need for middlemen.

Benefits of Direct to Consumer Marketing

Direct-to-consumer marketing has many benefits. D2C marketing method helps online storefronts:

Reduce reliance on intermediaries. Far too often, brands rely on retailers and other intermediaries to relay their brand message and impact consumers. But when retailers sell hundreds of products, brands have to pay extra to stand out to consumers. In the direct-to-consumer marketing model, brands can cut to the chase, showcase their value propositions, and connect directly with consumers through online storefronts. Scale faster. Ensuring your brand stickiness is a recipe for growth; it is a sure way to increase income. Brand Adherence helps your business turn prospects into advocates for your brand and turn them into loyal customers. Improve brand recall. It's easy to improve brand recall when you're doing direct-to-consumer marketing because you're keeping your customers' minds busy via text, email, or chat. And if you offer what they need, you get that much-needed reminder. Direct-to-consumer marketing also helps improve brand recall because there are no distractions or middlemen in the buyer's journey. Personalize messages: With direct-to-consumer marketing, brands regain access to the entire customer experience that was previously in the hands of intermediaries. Attracting, engaging and converting customers becomes easier because you can collect customer data that will help you understand them better, personalize your offer and communication, and convert faster.

Now that we know the benefits of direct-to-consumer marketing, let's move on to the next important thing: who is your audience?

Why do millennials love D2C marketing?

Direct-to-consumer marketing stands its ground against a cohort of customers: those born between the years 1981 and 1996, or millennials. Why? Because they make over 54% of their purchases online.

d2c millennial marketing statistics

Source: Freshworks

Millennials love a hassle-free shopping experience, as it's a refreshing change from the brick-and-mortar stores they were used to growing up. Since they are tech-savvy, have purchasing power and also rely heavily on online shopping, it is easier for online storefronts to attract and engage them in their online store.

If you're good at marketing to millennial audiences...

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