DIY bicycle wheels welded with rebar

[Liebregts] is working on a tricycle design and needed a pair of wheels to mount in the front. Ordinary bicycle wheels would not work, as they are not designed to work with one-sided support. They also wanted to be able to mount disc brakes. So they set about building a set of custom wheels to get the job done.

The build started with a regular set of 20″ bike rims with all the spokes removed. A ring of steel rebar welded to the inner perimeter gave the rims added strength. A set of hubs and axles was then fabricated with a welder and lathe, with provisions for bolting on the disc brake components. Lengths of rebar were then welded in as non-adjustable radii. Then it was time for a coat of paint. Eventually [Liebregts] fitted the tires and brakes, and said the job was done.

Of course, it is possible to buy wheels specifically for tricycles. However, [Liebregts] struggled to find exactly what he wanted, especially when it came to the disc brake option. The best option was a custom build. The resulting wheels are obviously a lot heavier than traditional bike wheels, but they're also probably a little stronger. If you need to weigh down a tarp, for example, these wheels can do the trick.

We've seen other idlers on trikes before! Oh, and who said the wheels have to go full circle anyway? Creativity will never cease to amaze!

DIY bicycle wheels welded with rebar

[Liebregts] is working on a tricycle design and needed a pair of wheels to mount in the front. Ordinary bicycle wheels would not work, as they are not designed to work with one-sided support. They also wanted to be able to mount disc brakes. So they set about building a set of custom wheels to get the job done.

The build started with a regular set of 20″ bike rims with all the spokes removed. A ring of steel rebar welded to the inner perimeter gave the rims added strength. A set of hubs and axles was then fabricated with a welder and lathe, with provisions for bolting on the disc brake components. Lengths of rebar were then welded in as non-adjustable radii. Then it was time for a coat of paint. Eventually [Liebregts] fitted the tires and brakes, and said the job was done.

Of course, it is possible to buy wheels specifically for tricycles. However, [Liebregts] struggled to find exactly what he wanted, especially when it came to the disc brake option. The best option was a custom build. The resulting wheels are obviously a lot heavier than traditional bike wheels, but they're also probably a little stronger. If you need to weigh down a tarp, for example, these wheels can do the trick.

We've seen other idlers on trikes before! Oh, and who said the wheels have to go full circle anyway? Creativity will never cease to amaze!

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