Donald Trump 'ordered staff to remove CCTV showing top secret files in his home'

CCTV footage reportedly showed Trump valet Walt Nauta moving boxes of documents in and out of a storage room at the old compound Former President's Mar-A-Lago in Florida

 Trump faces a series of indictments as he campaigns for re-election (

Image: AP)

Donald Trump ordered an employee to delete CCTV footage at his Florida mansion to hinder a criminal investigation, according to new charges.

The former president is accused of illegally keeping top secret documents at his Mar-A-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida after he was kicked out of the Oval Office.

Tonight, prosecutors dramatically unveiled a new 38-page indictment that alleges Trump instructed a staff member to suppress camera footage in order to obstruct the FBI's investigation into his record keeping.

CCTV footage of the lavish Mar-a-Lago resort has long been a focus of the investigation because prosecutors say it shows Trump valet Walt Nauta moving boxes of documents in and out of a storage room - including a day before a visit from FBI and Justice Department officials.

Today's new indictment includes new counts of obstruction and willful withholding of national defense information. This increases the pressure on Trump who also faces a new indictment in Washington for his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

An image from the indictment shows boxes of documents stored in the White and Gold Ballroom at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida (



Trump reportedly requested the footage be deleted after investigators visited in June 2022 to collect classified documents he took with him after leaving the White House in 2021. Law enforcement officials issued a warning. subpoena for footage after noticing surveillance cameras while they were there.

A Trump spokesperson rejected the...

Donald Trump 'ordered staff to remove CCTV showing top secret files in his home'

CCTV footage reportedly showed Trump valet Walt Nauta moving boxes of documents in and out of a storage room at the old compound Former President's Mar-A-Lago in Florida

 Trump faces a series of indictments as he campaigns for re-election (

Image: AP)

Donald Trump ordered an employee to delete CCTV footage at his Florida mansion to hinder a criminal investigation, according to new charges.

The former president is accused of illegally keeping top secret documents at his Mar-A-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida after he was kicked out of the Oval Office.

Tonight, prosecutors dramatically unveiled a new 38-page indictment that alleges Trump instructed a staff member to suppress camera footage in order to obstruct the FBI's investigation into his record keeping.

CCTV footage of the lavish Mar-a-Lago resort has long been a focus of the investigation because prosecutors say it shows Trump valet Walt Nauta moving boxes of documents in and out of a storage room - including a day before a visit from FBI and Justice Department officials.

Today's new indictment includes new counts of obstruction and willful withholding of national defense information. This increases the pressure on Trump who also faces a new indictment in Washington for his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

An image from the indictment shows boxes of documents stored in the White and Gold Ballroom at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida (



Trump reportedly requested the footage be deleted after investigators visited in June 2022 to collect classified documents he took with him after leaving the White House in 2021. Law enforcement officials issued a warning. subpoena for footage after noticing surveillance cameras while they were there.

A Trump spokesperson rejected the...

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