Make sure your next career is right for you by getting your career right

Career redirection has become more common among professionals, especially in times of uncertainty, profound change and increased burnout. Knowing what makes for a successful career change is essential for continued career growth, even if that growth isn't one to move you up the ladder.

While changing careers can be daunting because it can mean starting over, people still choose to change. Microsoft released its annual Labor Trends Index report in March this year, with data suggesting that 52% of Gen-Zers and Millennials are likely to change careers within the year. These findings are consistent with older data that previously led organizations such as Gallup to dub Millennials as the Job Jumper Generation.

While switching jobs is common, knowing how to do it properly takes skill. You don't want to cut ties and you want to make sure your next job will be better than the last.

Be intentional

It doesn't matter if the decision to reorient one's career is the result of a necessity or a choice, everyone can agree that it is something that cannot be left to chance.

Kudoboard CEO Aaron Rubens began his teaching career as a math teacher. He chose to follow another path to create something from scratch on his own, even though he knew that undertaking such a pivot would not be an easy task and would involve many risks.

Career change must be intentional. In a 2015 interview, Rubens said deciding to forgo the traditional route to launch Kudoboard was a financial risk, but he was glad he made the switch. Career redirection is a risky decision, which is why most people avoid it. However, the benefits that come with success aren't just financial, they extend to professional and personal growth.

Be methodical

Author Jenny Blake explains that a career pivot involves focusing on the things that work while deliberately moving in a related new direction. As you can see, pivoting does not involve starting from scratch but building on previous successes. While a pivot can certainly be considered a 180 degree turn, there must be a connection between your previous experience and your new goal.

There are other things you need to consider when changing direction. Of these, the most important is to understand that shortcuts can be detrimental in the long run. If you are embarking on a new entrepreneurial venture, doing so without creating a plan or acquiring the necessary skills will lead to failure in most cases. Change must be well thought out.

Changing lanes also requires you to stay open to new possibilities. While having a clear idea of ​​what you are looking for is essential, career changes always come with surprises which can be positive or negative. Some of these surprises could offer new possibilities. Don't let your original idea keep you from thinking about it, because some of them could turn out to be advantageous.

Be reliable

Finally, be honest with yourself and with others. As you go through a life-altering change, remember to keep your bridges mended. Be honest about why you are changing careers and avoid leaving your previous position without notice.

Going through a big change can be difficult. Be prepared to rely on others. Starting any new business is easier when you have a support system. Making an effort to expand your network is always a good idea, especially when changing careers. You never know when a connection will lead you...

Make sure your next career is right for you by getting your career right

Career redirection has become more common among professionals, especially in times of uncertainty, profound change and increased burnout. Knowing what makes for a successful career change is essential for continued career growth, even if that growth isn't one to move you up the ladder.

While changing careers can be daunting because it can mean starting over, people still choose to change. Microsoft released its annual Labor Trends Index report in March this year, with data suggesting that 52% of Gen-Zers and Millennials are likely to change careers within the year. These findings are consistent with older data that previously led organizations such as Gallup to dub Millennials as the Job Jumper Generation.

While switching jobs is common, knowing how to do it properly takes skill. You don't want to cut ties and you want to make sure your next job will be better than the last.

Be intentional

It doesn't matter if the decision to reorient one's career is the result of a necessity or a choice, everyone can agree that it is something that cannot be left to chance.

Kudoboard CEO Aaron Rubens began his teaching career as a math teacher. He chose to follow another path to create something from scratch on his own, even though he knew that undertaking such a pivot would not be an easy task and would involve many risks.

Career change must be intentional. In a 2015 interview, Rubens said deciding to forgo the traditional route to launch Kudoboard was a financial risk, but he was glad he made the switch. Career redirection is a risky decision, which is why most people avoid it. However, the benefits that come with success aren't just financial, they extend to professional and personal growth.

Be methodical

Author Jenny Blake explains that a career pivot involves focusing on the things that work while deliberately moving in a related new direction. As you can see, pivoting does not involve starting from scratch but building on previous successes. While a pivot can certainly be considered a 180 degree turn, there must be a connection between your previous experience and your new goal.

There are other things you need to consider when changing direction. Of these, the most important is to understand that shortcuts can be detrimental in the long run. If you are embarking on a new entrepreneurial venture, doing so without creating a plan or acquiring the necessary skills will lead to failure in most cases. Change must be well thought out.

Changing lanes also requires you to stay open to new possibilities. While having a clear idea of ​​what you are looking for is essential, career changes always come with surprises which can be positive or negative. Some of these surprises could offer new possibilities. Don't let your original idea keep you from thinking about it, because some of them could turn out to be advantageous.

Be reliable

Finally, be honest with yourself and with others. As you go through a life-altering change, remember to keep your bridges mended. Be honest about why you are changing careers and avoid leaving your previous position without notice.

Going through a big change can be difficult. Be prepared to rely on others. Starting any new business is easier when you have a support system. Making an effort to expand your network is always a good idea, especially when changing careers. You never know when a connection will lead you...

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