Ethereum co-founder responds to criticism of PoS in upcoming merger

Vitalik Buterin described the notion of a reviewer as an "absolute outright lie", while sharing his thoughts on PoS voting.< /p> Ethereum co-founder responds to PoS critics amid upcoming Merge New

While some believe Ethereum's upcoming move to proof-of-stake (PoS) could push the platform to eventually overtake Bitcoin (BTC), others are taking the opportunity to make sarcastic remarks on Twitter, triggering a rebuttal by Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of Ethereum.

In a tweet, Bitcoiner Nick Payton called it “Proof-of-Stakers” and argued that voting to change properties on PoS platforms proves PoS assets are securities.

Dear Proof of Stakers,

The fact that you can vote on something to change its properties is proof that it's a security.

Love, Bitcoin

— Nick (@NickDPayton) July 11, 2022

Buterin responded to the post, describing Payton's notions as a "brainless lie." According to Ethereum Buterin, PoS does not include voting on protocol parameters, just like proof of work (PoW). Buterin also explained that in PoS and PoW, nodes reject invalid blocks.

Last week, Bitcoin book author Jimmy Song also came after PoS, questioning the decentralization of consensus. According to Song, the mechanism does not solve the problem

Ethereum co-founder responds to criticism of PoS in upcoming merger

Vitalik Buterin described the notion of a reviewer as an "absolute outright lie", while sharing his thoughts on PoS voting.< /p> Ethereum co-founder responds to PoS critics amid upcoming Merge New

While some believe Ethereum's upcoming move to proof-of-stake (PoS) could push the platform to eventually overtake Bitcoin (BTC), others are taking the opportunity to make sarcastic remarks on Twitter, triggering a rebuttal by Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of Ethereum.

In a tweet, Bitcoiner Nick Payton called it “Proof-of-Stakers” and argued that voting to change properties on PoS platforms proves PoS assets are securities.

Dear Proof of Stakers,

The fact that you can vote on something to change its properties is proof that it's a security.

Love, Bitcoin

— Nick (@NickDPayton) July 11, 2022

Buterin responded to the post, describing Payton's notions as a "brainless lie." According to Ethereum Buterin, PoS does not include voting on protocol parameters, just like proof of work (PoW). Buterin also explained that in PoS and PoW, nodes reject invalid blocks.

Last week, Bitcoin book author Jimmy Song also came after PoS, questioning the decentralization of consensus. According to Song, the mechanism does not solve the problem

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