Former federal prosecutor says Diddy-Cassie video hurt his investigation

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Getty/ Composite

A ex-federal prosecutor East weighing In on Diddy's assault video -- And She said while This is not it necessarily A smoking gun In THE investigation he is focused towards, he certainly doesn't help him.

We talked has Katie Cherkasky -- who is had years of experience with these kinds of legal imported -- on " TMZ Live" Friday ... Or She declared that THE now viral video, In which Diddy can be seen beat Cassie -- should TO DO him And her camp worried.

Katie said THE adhesive tape given credibility has Cassie on several facades -- both In THE public eye, but Also with THE the federal government WHO are drilling down In major allegations against Diddy RIGHT now.

She said THE the federal government are not going has pursue him on THE crimes represented In THE video -- to know, assault -- but She do say This could potentially serve as A roadmap has other evidence they could be fishing For as THE probe keep on going that could help their case.


Spirit You ... Cassie claims In her trial that A of Diddy's alleged "monster offs" occurred has This even hotel around th...

Former federal prosecutor says Diddy-Cassie video hurt his investigation
Diddy Katie TMZ Live Main Alt_

Getty/ Composite

A ex-federal prosecutor East weighing In on Diddy's assault video -- And She said while This is not it necessarily A smoking gun In THE investigation he is focused towards, he certainly doesn't help him.

We talked has Katie Cherkasky -- who is had years of experience with these kinds of legal imported -- on " TMZ Live" Friday ... Or She declared that THE now viral video, In which Diddy can be seen beat Cassie -- should TO DO him And her camp worried.

Katie said THE adhesive tape given credibility has Cassie on several facades -- both In THE public eye, but Also with THE the federal government WHO are drilling down In major allegations against Diddy RIGHT now.

She said THE the federal government are not going has pursue him on THE crimes represented In THE video -- to know, assault -- but She do say This could potentially serve as A roadmap has other evidence they could be fishing For as THE probe keep on going that could help their case.


Spirit You ... Cassie claims In her trial that A of Diddy's alleged "monster offs" occurred has This even hotel around th...

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