Exclusive: NinjaTech Launches Autonomous AI Agents Powered by AWS Chips, Not GPUs

Join We In to come back has new York on June 5th has collaborate with executive leaders In exploring complete methods For audit AI models concerning bias, performance, And ethics compliance through miscellaneous organizations. Find out how You can attend here.

NinjaTech AI, A Silicon Valley based generative AI business, has announcement THE public beta launch of It is new AI agent service Ninja AI, A the Web application designed has act as A searcher, software engineer, planner/secretary, And more. Users can to try he out themselves NOW has monninja.ai.

THE service works A free floor And paid subscriptions. For paid users, he provides to access (through THE application programming interfaces Or Apis) has A number of leading generative AI models — including OpenAI GPT-4o, Anthropic Claude 3, And Google Gemini.

Users can select between these AI models has power A number of underlying operations simply by typing In natural language has Ninja AI, including the Web research, A "deep research" carried out by A more complete AI agent powered by Lama 3.

He can compare results Since several AI models In real time using GPT-4 (summarizing THE common points And reporting THE differences), calendar calendar events on in the name of of THE human user And avoid Conflicts (TO DO SO requires registration In with her Google account For Google Calendar, And A Apple iCal the integration East on THE roadmap For THE close future, as well).

V.B. Event

THE AI Impact Tour: THE AI Verification

Join We as We back has new York on June 5th has to commit with high executive leaders, rummage In strategies For audit AI models has ensure justice, optimal performance, And ethics compliance through miscellaneous organizations. Secure your presence For This exclusive invite only event.

Request A invite

He can further E-mail invitations has human recipients in an autonomous way (This THE agent can TO DO on It is own Since It is own E-mail address), talk has THE user through different voice, even video cat has them with Unreal Powered by a motor 3D characters.

And Ninja AI can TO DO a lot of these Tasks simultaneously And asynchronously, Operating In THE background while THE user do other Tasks with Ninja AI Or somewhere else on their devices.

THE service will pinger them When he finished A operation, And users can check ...

Exclusive: NinjaTech Launches Autonomous AI Agents Powered by AWS Chips, Not GPUs

Join We In to come back has new York on June 5th has collaborate with executive leaders In exploring complete methods For audit AI models concerning bias, performance, And ethics compliance through miscellaneous organizations. Find out how You can attend here.

NinjaTech AI, A Silicon Valley based generative AI business, has announcement THE public beta launch of It is new AI agent service Ninja AI, A the Web application designed has act as A searcher, software engineer, planner/secretary, And more. Users can to try he out themselves NOW has monninja.ai.

THE service works A free floor And paid subscriptions. For paid users, he provides to access (through THE application programming interfaces Or Apis) has A number of leading generative AI models — including OpenAI GPT-4o, Anthropic Claude 3, And Google Gemini.

Users can select between these AI models has power A number of underlying operations simply by typing In natural language has Ninja AI, including the Web research, A "deep research" carried out by A more complete AI agent powered by Lama 3.

He can compare results Since several AI models In real time using GPT-4 (summarizing THE common points And reporting THE differences), calendar calendar events on in the name of of THE human user And avoid Conflicts (TO DO SO requires registration In with her Google account For Google Calendar, And A Apple iCal the integration East on THE roadmap For THE close future, as well).

V.B. Event

THE AI Impact Tour: THE AI Verification

Join We as We back has new York on June 5th has to commit with high executive leaders, rummage In strategies For audit AI models has ensure justice, optimal performance, And ethics compliance through miscellaneous organizations. Secure your presence For This exclusive invite only event.

Request A invite

He can further E-mail invitations has human recipients in an autonomous way (This THE agent can TO DO on It is own Since It is own E-mail address), talk has THE user through different voice, even video cat has them with Unreal Powered by a motor 3D characters.

And Ninja AI can TO DO a lot of these Tasks simultaneously And asynchronously, Operating In THE background while THE user do other Tasks with Ninja AI Or somewhere else on their devices.

THE service will pinger them When he finished A operation, And users can check ...

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