FBI director tells Congress that Beijing-linked hackers targeting US infrastructure: 'low blows against civilians are part of the Chinese plan'

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In A recent revelation, Federal desk of Investigation Director Christopher Wray has disclosed that the Pirates with ties has THE Chinese government are launch cyber attacks on crucial WE Infrastructure, posing A significant threat has American citizens.

What Arrived: Wray testified Before A Congress Committee that state sponsored the Pirates are to focus their attacks on key sectors such as water treatment plants, THE electric grid, oil And natural gas the pipes, And transportation hubs. This announcement coincides with THE day WE civil servants declared THE disturbance of A major Chinese cyber espionage operation, reported Reuters on Wednesday.

Wray stress that these attacks are not only targeting policy And military goals, but Also civil Infrastructure. He declared, "weak blows against civilians are part of China plan. »

Wray clarified that these concerns are not partner with Chinese Americans Or Chinese nationals In THE WE, WHO are often victims of that of Beijing "aggression".

THE audience took place in the middle of rising tensions between THE WE And China on miscellaneous problems including that of Taiwan Status, China military expansion, economic And technology competition, And that of Beijing human rights save.

Wray testimony East consistent with her previous affirmations that Beijing East trying has undermine THE WE through spying campaigns, intellectual property flight, And cyberattacks.

"This East THE cyberspace equivalent of placement bombs on American bridges, water treatment facilities, And power plants. There East No economic advantage For these Actions. There East No intelligence gathering reasoning," said representative Mike Gallagher (Wisconsin Republican), THE committee president.

THE Chinese government, which has not Again replied has these allegations, has previously accused THE WE And It is allies of diffusion "disinformation" about state sponsored piracy groups.

See Also: East Asset Value 10 billion dollars? Biographer Is breaking Claim: 'Begging For Money From People

For what He Imported: THE recent revelation by THE FBI Director align with previous reports of China escalation cyber war tactical targeting critical American Infrastructure. This understand essential services such as power And water public services, communication networks, And transportation systems.

Earlier This year, THE WE initiated A repression on A widespread Chinese cyber spying effort known as Volt Typhoon, which had violated many connected to the Internet devices worldwide. This initiative, directed by THE Justice Department And THE FBI, aiming has dismantle key Components of This cyber intrusion.

Furthermore, THE sophistication of Chinese the Pirates has has been on THE increase, as highlighted by THE recent To hack of Microsoft Corp. E-mail accounts of WE government civil servants. This has raised concerns among WE cyber security civil servants about potential extensive infiltration In WE government And business networks.

In the middle of these developments, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has once Again called For A "Geneva convention around cyber.”

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FBI director tells Congress that Beijing-linked hackers targeting US infrastructure: 'low blows against civilians are part of the Chinese plan'
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In A recent revelation, Federal desk of Investigation Director Christopher Wray has disclosed that the Pirates with ties has THE Chinese government are launch cyber attacks on crucial WE Infrastructure, posing A significant threat has American citizens.

What Arrived: Wray testified Before A Congress Committee that state sponsored the Pirates are to focus their attacks on key sectors such as water treatment plants, THE electric grid, oil And natural gas the pipes, And transportation hubs. This announcement coincides with THE day WE civil servants declared THE disturbance of A major Chinese cyber espionage operation, reported Reuters on Wednesday.

Wray stress that these attacks are not only targeting policy And military goals, but Also civil Infrastructure. He declared, "weak blows against civilians are part of China plan. »

Wray clarified that these concerns are not partner with Chinese Americans Or Chinese nationals In THE WE, WHO are often victims of that of Beijing "aggression".

THE audience took place in the middle of rising tensions between THE WE And China on miscellaneous problems including that of Taiwan Status, China military expansion, economic And technology competition, And that of Beijing human rights save.

Wray testimony East consistent with her previous affirmations that Beijing East trying has undermine THE WE through spying campaigns, intellectual property flight, And cyberattacks.

"This East THE cyberspace equivalent of placement bombs on American bridges, water treatment facilities, And power plants. There East No economic advantage For these Actions. There East No intelligence gathering reasoning," said representative Mike Gallagher (Wisconsin Republican), THE committee president.

THE Chinese government, which has not Again replied has these allegations, has previously accused THE WE And It is allies of diffusion "disinformation" about state sponsored piracy groups.

See Also: East Asset Value 10 billion dollars? Biographer Is breaking Claim: 'Begging For Money From People

For what He Imported: THE recent revelation by THE FBI Director align with previous reports of China escalation cyber war tactical targeting critical American Infrastructure. This understand essential services such as power And water public services, communication networks, And transportation systems.

Earlier This year, THE WE initiated A repression on A widespread Chinese cyber spying effort known as Volt Typhoon, which had violated many connected to the Internet devices worldwide. This initiative, directed by THE Justice Department And THE FBI, aiming has dismantle key Components of This cyber intrusion.

Furthermore, THE sophistication of Chinese the Pirates has has been on THE increase, as highlighted by THE recent To hack of Microsoft Corp. E-mail accounts of WE government civil servants. This has raised concerns among WE cyber security civil servants about potential extensive infiltration In WE government And business networks.

In the middle of these developments, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has once Again called For A "Geneva convention around cyber.”

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