Food safety and hygiene standards 'at risk' from tearing EU laws, experts warn


Security and Food hygiene are at risk from government plans to tear up remaining EU laws at breakneck speed, experts have warned.

The alarm has been raised over 'incredibly concerning' legislation that will remove or replace up to 1,500 pieces of so-called 'retained law' in just 15 months, to raise awareness trait on Brexit.< /p>

Fears have already arisen over workers' rights and the environment - but the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) also points to the risk to food and health public.

Among the online protections to be swept away are requirements to alert shoppers to allergens in food, legal limits on chemical contaminants and safety rules for baby food, says -il.

Restrictions on the use of decontaminants on meat – such as chlorine washes on chicken – are at stake, as are minimum business hygiene standards, says the CIEH.< /p>

And genetically modified food and feed could be be introduced without any food safety assessment taking place, or any requirement to label these foods for consumers.

"The potential consequences of this program are deeply alarming", s helps Ross Matthewman , the organization's policy and campaign manager.

"There seems to be a real danger that this bill will jeopardize our nation's high standards for environmental health.


“It threatens our regulatory frameworks in crucial areas such as food and environmental protection, and will have negative consequences for public health.”

Mr. Matthewman said CIEH's "illusions had been shattered" by the release last month of the European Legislation Upholding (Revocation and Reform) Bill.

"A full assault on dozens of regulations covering vital areas, from food to our environment, seemed unplanned,” he added.

In July, while campaigning for the Tory leadership, Liz Truss sought to outflank her rival Rishi Sunak on Brexit by pledging to "drop all EU rules and regulations". 'by the end of 2023'.

Environmental campaigners have warned officials will have just over a day to review each piece of water quality and pesticide legislation, for example, to decide which should be kept in UK law.

There are also huge concerns that the process of removing EU protections will be done through secondary regulations , behind MPs' backs.

Last year, former Brexit minister David Frost said rights over data, genetically modified crops, medical trials and "standards obsolete EU vehicles" were likely targets.

Tearing up the rules po Could also impact a price, if the divergence triggers disputes under the Brexit trade deal - potentially allowing Brussels to restrict access to EU markets for UK companies.

Ahead of a likely fierce battle in the House of Lords, the CIEH urged MPs and peers to 'make sure we don't mess up our security'.

Food safety and hygiene standards 'at risk' from tearing EU laws, experts warn

Security and Food hygiene are at risk from government plans to tear up remaining EU laws at breakneck speed, experts have warned.

The alarm has been raised over 'incredibly concerning' legislation that will remove or replace up to 1,500 pieces of so-called 'retained law' in just 15 months, to raise awareness trait on Brexit.< /p>

Fears have already arisen over workers' rights and the environment - but the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) also points to the risk to food and health public.

Among the online protections to be swept away are requirements to alert shoppers to allergens in food, legal limits on chemical contaminants and safety rules for baby food, says -il.

Restrictions on the use of decontaminants on meat – such as chlorine washes on chicken – are at stake, as are minimum business hygiene standards, says the CIEH.< /p>

And genetically modified food and feed could be be introduced without any food safety assessment taking place, or any requirement to label these foods for consumers.

"The potential consequences of this program are deeply alarming", s helps Ross Matthewman , the organization's policy and campaign manager.

"There seems to be a real danger that this bill will jeopardize our nation's high standards for environmental health.


“It threatens our regulatory frameworks in crucial areas such as food and environmental protection, and will have negative consequences for public health.”

Mr. Matthewman said CIEH's "illusions had been shattered" by the release last month of the European Legislation Upholding (Revocation and Reform) Bill.

"A full assault on dozens of regulations covering vital areas, from food to our environment, seemed unplanned,” he added.

In July, while campaigning for the Tory leadership, Liz Truss sought to outflank her rival Rishi Sunak on Brexit by pledging to "drop all EU rules and regulations". 'by the end of 2023'.

Environmental campaigners have warned officials will have just over a day to review each piece of water quality and pesticide legislation, for example, to decide which should be kept in UK law.

There are also huge concerns that the process of removing EU protections will be done through secondary regulations , behind MPs' backs.

Last year, former Brexit minister David Frost said rights over data, genetically modified crops, medical trials and "standards obsolete EU vehicles" were likely targets.

Tearing up the rules po Could also impact a price, if the divergence triggers disputes under the Brexit trade deal - potentially allowing Brussels to restrict access to EU markets for UK companies.

Ahead of a likely fierce battle in the House of Lords, the CIEH urged MPs and peers to 'make sure we don't mess up our security'.

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