Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter in Palliative Care at Georgia Home

jimmy carter Rosalynn Carter


Rosalyn Carter, THE ancient First of all lady And marry of ancient President Jimmy Carter, East In hospice care has THE family Georgia at home.

Rosalyn East 96 years old And earlier This year She was diagnostic with dementia. It is has been A rough year For THE Carters ... back In January, THE 99 years old ancient Prez Also begin receive hospice care.


In A statement Friday, THE Carter Center said Rosalyn And Jimmy "are expenses time with each other And their family. THE Carter family keep on going has ask For confidentiality And remains grateful For THE effusion of love And support."

THE Carters live In Plains, Georgia ... Or they were both born And raised.

Rosalyn And Jimmy to have has been married For 77 years, they obtained hitched path back In 1946 ... And She served as First of all Lady Since 1977 has nineteen eighty one during Jimmy 4 years In THE White House.

In September, their grandson Josh Carter said PEOPLE Rosalyn And Jimmy were "In THE final chapter" of their lives.

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter in Palliative Care at Georgia Home
jimmy carter Rosalynn Carter


Rosalyn Carter, THE ancient First of all lady And marry of ancient President Jimmy Carter, East In hospice care has THE family Georgia at home.

Rosalyn East 96 years old And earlier This year She was diagnostic with dementia. It is has been A rough year For THE Carters ... back In January, THE 99 years old ancient Prez Also begin receive hospice care.


In A statement Friday, THE Carter Center said Rosalyn And Jimmy "are expenses time with each other And their family. THE Carter family keep on going has ask For confidentiality And remains grateful For THE effusion of love And support."

THE Carters live In Plains, Georgia ... Or they were both born And raised.

Rosalyn And Jimmy to have has been married For 77 years, they obtained hitched path back In 1946 ... And She served as First of all Lady Since 1977 has nineteen eighty one during Jimmy 4 years In THE White House.

In September, their grandson Josh Carter said PEOPLE Rosalyn And Jimmy were "In THE final chapter" of their lives.

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