Fostering the Alliance at Work: Going Out and Bringing People In for Pride 2022

One of our most important Intercom values ​​is "we go further together". This value doesn't just apply to our work, it guides our relationships with each other - and it's especially relevant for Pride 2022.

In a world so determined to distinguish members of the LGBTQI+ community, we remain strong with the help of our allies. Our global community appreciates the importance of strength in numbers and a large part of that margin are the allies who come forward to love us, support us and help us make a difference.

Last year we celebrated pride in the safety and comfort of our homes; we were away while the world was inside. This year, we are proud and we want you to enter. So, let's talk about it; what about allies?

What do we mean by allies?

For us, an ally is someone who supports, defends and encourages the LGBTQI+ community. Allies come in all shapes and sizes, and so do the ways they support us.

"Alliance is a journey, and everyone starts at a different stage"

It is important to understand that the alliance is a journey, and that everyone starts at a different stage. Often people want to help but don't know where to start or if they're doing it the right way. Welcoming them into the community means that allies at all levels can continue to learn and find more effective ways to support LGBTQI+ people.

We welcome our allies more than ever

Violent attacks against the trans community (especially trans people of color) continue to rise, with Forbes calling 2021 the "deadliest year" for trans people worldwide. And it's not just trans people who are victims of these horrific incidents, they pose a threat to the entire LGBTQI+ community.

Everywhere we look, our numbers are reduced by senseless violence. When a community as close-knit as ours experiences even one injustice, we all feel it. So you can imagine the weight we carry when reports show more than one death every day.

Given the inaction of lawmakers and the lack of compassion for a marginalized community, we need to stop and ask ourselves: how do we protect ourselves? How to stop losing friends, lovers and family? We enact change – change in government, attitudes and institutions – driven by us and the allies who lift us up. Without our allies standing up for us, some people may never have changed their minds, and we may never have gotten as far as we are today.

Start or continue your ally journey

Our LGBTQI+ employee resource group, Inter-Proud, aims to protect and celebrate LGBTQI+ life at Intercom, and we make sure we have the resources we need to make our company a safe and happy where to thrive.

"Since the launch of Inter-Proud in 2015, we have organized countless learning sessions, events and discussions to make LGBTQI+ education fun, engaging and rewarding"

Part of this is to educate the allies and future allies around us so that they can support and encourage our work in the best possible way. Since Inter-Proud began in 2015, we have hosted countless learning sessions, events and discussions to make LGBTQI+ education fun, engaging and rewarding – and to strengthen our network of allies.

As we said above, the alliance is a journey. Everyone starts in a different place and grows at their own pace. If you're looking for small ways to attract allies, here are some of the things we've focused on over the years that might help you in your workplace.

Deliver the LGBT101

Some people are ready to be allies, but just don't feel like they have the knowledge to offer the support they want. Giving everyone the chance to come together, learn more about the LGBTQI+ community, and ask questions means Allies build a solid foundation of knowledge and feel more confident to progress through their Ally journey.

"Bringing people is not just about education, it's also about having fun and meeting new people"

Share the fun parts of Pride

While Pride is a reminder of the hardships our community has faced, and continues to face, it is also a celebration. Bringing people together isn't just about education, it's also about having fun and meeting new people. Inviting allies to celebrate our pride with us is a great way to show them what we love most about our community. At Intercom, we host a drag bingo session to bring people together in a fun and casual way.

Highlight the importance of pronouns

The be...

Fostering the Alliance at Work: Going Out and Bringing People In for Pride 2022

One of our most important Intercom values ​​is "we go further together". This value doesn't just apply to our work, it guides our relationships with each other - and it's especially relevant for Pride 2022.

In a world so determined to distinguish members of the LGBTQI+ community, we remain strong with the help of our allies. Our global community appreciates the importance of strength in numbers and a large part of that margin are the allies who come forward to love us, support us and help us make a difference.

Last year we celebrated pride in the safety and comfort of our homes; we were away while the world was inside. This year, we are proud and we want you to enter. So, let's talk about it; what about allies?

What do we mean by allies?

For us, an ally is someone who supports, defends and encourages the LGBTQI+ community. Allies come in all shapes and sizes, and so do the ways they support us.

"Alliance is a journey, and everyone starts at a different stage"

It is important to understand that the alliance is a journey, and that everyone starts at a different stage. Often people want to help but don't know where to start or if they're doing it the right way. Welcoming them into the community means that allies at all levels can continue to learn and find more effective ways to support LGBTQI+ people.

We welcome our allies more than ever

Violent attacks against the trans community (especially trans people of color) continue to rise, with Forbes calling 2021 the "deadliest year" for trans people worldwide. And it's not just trans people who are victims of these horrific incidents, they pose a threat to the entire LGBTQI+ community.

Everywhere we look, our numbers are reduced by senseless violence. When a community as close-knit as ours experiences even one injustice, we all feel it. So you can imagine the weight we carry when reports show more than one death every day.

Given the inaction of lawmakers and the lack of compassion for a marginalized community, we need to stop and ask ourselves: how do we protect ourselves? How to stop losing friends, lovers and family? We enact change – change in government, attitudes and institutions – driven by us and the allies who lift us up. Without our allies standing up for us, some people may never have changed their minds, and we may never have gotten as far as we are today.

Start or continue your ally journey

Our LGBTQI+ employee resource group, Inter-Proud, aims to protect and celebrate LGBTQI+ life at Intercom, and we make sure we have the resources we need to make our company a safe and happy where to thrive.

"Since the launch of Inter-Proud in 2015, we have organized countless learning sessions, events and discussions to make LGBTQI+ education fun, engaging and rewarding"

Part of this is to educate the allies and future allies around us so that they can support and encourage our work in the best possible way. Since Inter-Proud began in 2015, we have hosted countless learning sessions, events and discussions to make LGBTQI+ education fun, engaging and rewarding – and to strengthen our network of allies.

As we said above, the alliance is a journey. Everyone starts in a different place and grows at their own pace. If you're looking for small ways to attract allies, here are some of the things we've focused on over the years that might help you in your workplace.

Deliver the LGBT101

Some people are ready to be allies, but just don't feel like they have the knowledge to offer the support they want. Giving everyone the chance to come together, learn more about the LGBTQI+ community, and ask questions means Allies build a solid foundation of knowledge and feel more confident to progress through their Ally journey.

"Bringing people is not just about education, it's also about having fun and meeting new people"

Share the fun parts of Pride

While Pride is a reminder of the hardships our community has faced, and continues to face, it is also a celebration. Bringing people together isn't just about education, it's also about having fun and meeting new people. Inviting allies to celebrate our pride with us is a great way to show them what we love most about our community. At Intercom, we host a drag bingo session to bring people together in a fun and casual way.

Highlight the importance of pronouns

The be...

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