Fuel Your Demand Strategy with G2 Buyer Intent: Lessons from Jonathan Pogact and Robin Izsak-Tseng

Marketers and sales teams are ready for tough times ahead.

Between the economic chill and the uncertainty in the tech world, companies need to be more lean and intentional about their spending than ever before. Sales and marketing professionals need to figure out how to do more with less.

Fortunately, intent data is a great solution for B2B software companies to acquire and retain customers with pinpoint accuracy. It's the difference between selling products to someone who only passively knows your brand or actively seeks your solutions.

(I'm not a sales professional, but I imagine you probably prefer the latter as well).

There's just one small problem: many organizations don't know how to operationalize this data to maximize its value.

As part of Reach 2022, G2's annual digital conference, attendees were treated to a masterclass presented by intent data experts Jonathan Pogact of Seamless.AI and Robin Iszak-Tseng of G2. During the presentation, the two speakers shared unique insights and learnings to help everyone better use their intent data.

If you weren't able to attend the masterclass during the live stream, don't worry. We'll break down some of the bigger takeaways here.

Understanding Intent Data

It's important to first understand what intent data is and the different types of intent data. Simply put, intent data is a collection of signals or data points collected to indicate if someone is in the market to buy from you and where they are in the process.

Intent Data Types

Intent data can come from many different sources. Where you source your intent data is how to distinguish the three types:

Part One: This is intent data you collect from digital properties you own, such as when someone fills out a contact form or signs up for a branded newsletter on your company's website . Second-party: Another company's first-party data is where your company buys or consumes that data. G2 Buyer Intent is an example of this type of intent data. Third Party: Activities, events, and information from multiple sources other than your website. An example of this is third party intent data from a provider like Bombora.

Relevant actions by G2 users drive G2 buyer intent. Software companies on G2 use buyer intent to identify specific behaviors of their target prospects and follow up with the appropriate action based on where the buyer is in the buying journey .

"No one comes to G2 for fun. People come to G2 to do research, to find solutions to specific problems. Buyer Intent is a high-intent match that gives you a overview of specific companies that are looking for you."

Jonathan PogactVP, Marketing, Seamless.AI

G2 Buyer Intent helps you see which companies are looking for your business, which pages they have visited on G2, and which competitors they might compare you to.

This is the crux of buyer intent and why it can be a game-changer for sales and marketing teams. Knowing what type of research your potential buyer is doing can be extremely helpful in nurturing a relationship and eventually closing deals.

Tip: If you currently have a free G2 profile, you can still see up to two purchase intent leads per month for free in your my.G2 dashboard!

Busting some common myths about intent data

According to Pogact, intent data is widely misunderstood as a category. As intent data becomes more mainstream, some questions and misconceptions will persist. Let's bust some myths that are wrong or lack context.

Myth #1: Intent data is the missing magic piece

Whenever marketers get excited about some new innovative practice or technology, it's easy to get carried away by the excitement. The same goes for intent data, where many marketers see it as a magic bullet that will create leads like crazy.

Pogact and Iszak-Tseng both agree that intent data is certainly powerful, but it's not without its challenges.

"It's not quite magic. You have it too...

Fuel Your Demand Strategy with G2 Buyer Intent: Lessons from Jonathan Pogact and Robin Izsak-Tseng

Marketers and sales teams are ready for tough times ahead.

Between the economic chill and the uncertainty in the tech world, companies need to be more lean and intentional about their spending than ever before. Sales and marketing professionals need to figure out how to do more with less.

Fortunately, intent data is a great solution for B2B software companies to acquire and retain customers with pinpoint accuracy. It's the difference between selling products to someone who only passively knows your brand or actively seeks your solutions.

(I'm not a sales professional, but I imagine you probably prefer the latter as well).

There's just one small problem: many organizations don't know how to operationalize this data to maximize its value.

As part of Reach 2022, G2's annual digital conference, attendees were treated to a masterclass presented by intent data experts Jonathan Pogact of Seamless.AI and Robin Iszak-Tseng of G2. During the presentation, the two speakers shared unique insights and learnings to help everyone better use their intent data.

If you weren't able to attend the masterclass during the live stream, don't worry. We'll break down some of the bigger takeaways here.

Understanding Intent Data

It's important to first understand what intent data is and the different types of intent data. Simply put, intent data is a collection of signals or data points collected to indicate if someone is in the market to buy from you and where they are in the process.

Intent Data Types

Intent data can come from many different sources. Where you source your intent data is how to distinguish the three types:

Part One: This is intent data you collect from digital properties you own, such as when someone fills out a contact form or signs up for a branded newsletter on your company's website . Second-party: Another company's first-party data is where your company buys or consumes that data. G2 Buyer Intent is an example of this type of intent data. Third Party: Activities, events, and information from multiple sources other than your website. An example of this is third party intent data from a provider like Bombora.

Relevant actions by G2 users drive G2 buyer intent. Software companies on G2 use buyer intent to identify specific behaviors of their target prospects and follow up with the appropriate action based on where the buyer is in the buying journey .

"No one comes to G2 for fun. People come to G2 to do research, to find solutions to specific problems. Buyer Intent is a high-intent match that gives you a overview of specific companies that are looking for you."

Jonathan PogactVP, Marketing, Seamless.AI

G2 Buyer Intent helps you see which companies are looking for your business, which pages they have visited on G2, and which competitors they might compare you to.

This is the crux of buyer intent and why it can be a game-changer for sales and marketing teams. Knowing what type of research your potential buyer is doing can be extremely helpful in nurturing a relationship and eventually closing deals.

Tip: If you currently have a free G2 profile, you can still see up to two purchase intent leads per month for free in your my.G2 dashboard!

Busting some common myths about intent data

According to Pogact, intent data is widely misunderstood as a category. As intent data becomes more mainstream, some questions and misconceptions will persist. Let's bust some myths that are wrong or lack context.

Myth #1: Intent data is the missing magic piece

Whenever marketers get excited about some new innovative practice or technology, it's easy to get carried away by the excitement. The same goes for intent data, where many marketers see it as a magic bullet that will create leads like crazy.

Pogact and Iszak-Tseng both agree that intent data is certainly powerful, but it's not without its challenges.

"It's not quite magic. You have it too...

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