Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke and mum get MBE

Emilia and Jenny Clarke hold their MBEs outside Windsor Castle Image source, Reuters
By Sam HancockBBC News

Emilia Clarke, known for starring in the fantasy series Game of Thrones, and her mother received their MBE from Prince William at Windsor Castle.

Both men were named in the New Year's Honors List for services given to people suffering from brain injuries.

Emilia suffered two brain hemorrhages in her 20s, then set up the charity SameYou in 2019 with mum Jenny.< /p>

Speaking after the ceremony, the actress said the award gave her "such a boost of energy and momentum."

Emilia suffered her first hemorrhage in 2011, shortly after finishing filming the first season of Game of Thrones. The second came two years later.

She told BBC News in December that it was "a miracle" that she was here to talk about the ordeal, and that she had “no major repercussions” other than fatigue. .

Emilia also remembers discovering that there was inadequate support and rehabilitation for brain injury patients after they were discharged from hospital .

SameYou, of which Jenny is managing director, is campaigning to change this - as well as for better mental health recovery treatment.

Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke and mum get MBE
Emilia and Jenny Clarke hold their MBEs outside Windsor Castle Image source, Reuters
By Sam HancockBBC News

Emilia Clarke, known for starring in the fantasy series Game of Thrones, and her mother received their MBE from Prince William at Windsor Castle.

Both men were named in the New Year's Honors List for services given to people suffering from brain injuries.

Emilia suffered two brain hemorrhages in her 20s, then set up the charity SameYou in 2019 with mum Jenny.< /p>

Speaking after the ceremony, the actress said the award gave her "such a boost of energy and momentum."

Emilia suffered her first hemorrhage in 2011, shortly after finishing filming the first season of Game of Thrones. The second came two years later.

She told BBC News in December that it was "a miracle" that she was here to talk about the ordeal, and that she had “no major repercussions” other than fatigue. .

Emilia also remembers discovering that there was inadequate support and rehabilitation for brain injury patients after they were discharged from hospital .

SameYou, of which Jenny is managing director, is campaigning to change this - as well as for better mental health recovery treatment.

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