The Google empire is immense. A judge will soon decide whether it is a monopoly.

Closing arguments In THE Governments case alleging Google East A monopoly that abuses It is power on THE the Internet were book Friday, END THE official part of A of THE most important antitrust case of THE decade.

In THE quarter century Since Google was based, THE business has grown up in a bewildering way big. Each day, billion of people around THE world ask questions on Google Research, send A E-mail with Gmail Or navigate their shuttle using Google Plans. THE technology giant dominated THE the Internet economy, regularly spent more that almost any of them other band Or business on pressure And on THE years has quickly extended It is business by purchase hundreds of other businesses. In 2023, he generated $307 billion In income, THE equivalent of THE raw domestic product of Finland.

Closing arguments In THE Governments case alleging Google East A monopoly that abuses It is power on THE the Internet were book Friday, END THE official part of A of THE most important antitrust case of THE decade.

In THE quarter century Since Google was based, THE business has grown up in a bewildering way big. Each day, billion of people around THE world ask questions on Google Research, send A E-mail with Gmail Or navigate their shuttle using Google Plans. THE technology giant dominated THE the Internet economy, regularly spent more that almost any of them other band Or business on pressure And on THE years has quickly extended It is business by purchase hundreds of other businesses. In 2023, he generated $307 billion In income, THE equivalent of THE raw domestic product of Finland.

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