Government 'not sure' if £329m Covid traffic light system worked

A committee of MPs has said the government 'doesn't know' whether the costly Covid traffic light system, for visitors to the UK, is costing to taxpayers £329 million actually worked

Traffic light system cost taxpayers £329m The traffic light system cost taxpayers £329million (

Image: AFP via Getty Images

The government has spent almost half a billion pounds of taxpayers' money on the Covid traffic light system for international travel and yet it 'doesn't know' whether it has been a success, says a committee of deputies.

The traffic light system was costly for taxpayers and visitors to the UK, while critics pointed to other European countries imposing less stringent procedures.

Testing and quarantine requirements for people arriving in the UK were changed 10 times between February 2021 and January 2022, according to a report by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

In May 2021, the traffic light system was introduced, which defined the rules for arrivals from each country depending on whether it was on the red, orange or green list.

Arrivals from Red List countries were required to stay in a quarantine hotel for at least 10 days.

Travelers staying in quarantine hotels had to pay up to £2,200 individually
Travellers staying in quarantine hotels had to pay up to £2,200 individually (


Humphrey Nemar/dailystar)

Airlines and holiday companies have blamed ministers for the limited resumption of overseas travel due to the rules, with many European countries imposing fewer restrictions.

And the PAC claimed that the government does not know the impact of its policies on health.

Taxpayers subsidized £329m of the total £757m cost of quarantine hotels, according to the report. This is despite the private bill of over £2,200 for a single adult.

Only 2% of hotel quarantined guests have tested positive.

The report stated: "Management of cross-border travel was an essential part of the health measures introduced by the government during the pandemic.

Government 'not sure' if £329m Covid traffic light system worked

A committee of MPs has said the government 'doesn't know' whether the costly Covid traffic light system, for visitors to the UK, is costing to taxpayers £329 million actually worked

Traffic light system cost taxpayers £329m The traffic light system cost taxpayers £329million (

Image: AFP via Getty Images

The government has spent almost half a billion pounds of taxpayers' money on the Covid traffic light system for international travel and yet it 'doesn't know' whether it has been a success, says a committee of deputies.

The traffic light system was costly for taxpayers and visitors to the UK, while critics pointed to other European countries imposing less stringent procedures.

Testing and quarantine requirements for people arriving in the UK were changed 10 times between February 2021 and January 2022, according to a report by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

In May 2021, the traffic light system was introduced, which defined the rules for arrivals from each country depending on whether it was on the red, orange or green list.

Arrivals from Red List countries were required to stay in a quarantine hotel for at least 10 days.

Travelers staying in quarantine hotels had to pay up to £2,200 individually
Travellers staying in quarantine hotels had to pay up to £2,200 individually (


Humphrey Nemar/dailystar)

Airlines and holiday companies have blamed ministers for the limited resumption of overseas travel due to the rules, with many European countries imposing fewer restrictions.

And the PAC claimed that the government does not know the impact of its policies on health.

Taxpayers subsidized £329m of the total £757m cost of quarantine hotels, according to the report. This is despite the private bill of over £2,200 for a single adult.

Only 2% of hotel quarantined guests have tested positive.

The report stated: "Management of cross-border travel was an essential part of the health measures introduced by the government during the pandemic.

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