Holy week is the Christian festival of spring

Holy Week (Semana Santa) is the Christian festival of spring. It is the week before Easter Sunday. The date varies each year as it is based on the northern spring equinox and the phases of the moon.

There are very solemn and theatrical processions during Holy Week. In pre-literate times, religious theater brought the community together and taught the faith. Every small town in the Christian world has its own version.

The preparations are as important as the event itself, as it brings communities together. We don't do much about it in New York, but Holy Week is very important in Latin communities. In the Latin world, many families take the

The days of Holy Week
Holy Week (StockPhotoAstur/Dreamstime)

Holy Week (StockPhotoAstur/Dreamstime)...

Holy week is the Christian festival of spring

Holy Week (Semana Santa) is the Christian festival of spring. It is the week before Easter Sunday. The date varies each year as it is based on the northern spring equinox and the phases of the moon.

There are very solemn and theatrical processions during Holy Week. In pre-literate times, religious theater brought the community together and taught the faith. Every small town in the Christian world has its own version.

The preparations are as important as the event itself, as it brings communities together. We don't do much about it in New York, but Holy Week is very important in Latin communities. In the Latin world, many families take the

The days of Holy Week
Holy Week (StockPhotoAstur/Dreamstime)

Holy Week (StockPhotoAstur/Dreamstime)...

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