House committee passes bill to “preserve American leadership” in blockchain

THE pro-crypto Invoice East A of a lot Before Congress that goals has promote THE country deployment And to use of blockchain technology.

House committee adopts bill law to “preserve American leadership” in blockchain” class= News Join We on social networks

A United States Home Committee has unanimously pass A pro-blockchain Invoice, which would be stain THE WE. Trade secretary has promote blockchain deployment And Thus potentially increase THE from the country to use of blockchain technology.

On Dec. 5, THE Home Committee on Energy And Trade vote 46-0 has pass HOUR. 6572, THE Deployment American Blockchains Act of 2023, In A session aimed has clear 44 pieces of legislation.

THE 13 pages blockchain Invoice would be direct secretary of Trade Gina Raimondo has "take Actions necessary And appropriate has promote THE competitiveness of THE United States related has THE deployment, to use, application, And competitiveness of blockchain technology Or other distributed register technology. »

Cody Carbon, THE policy head For blockchain advocacy band THE Bedroom of Digital Trade, felicity THE Committee For who passed THE Invoice on X (Twitter), saying he will "help preserve WE. direction In blockchain development, which East greatly necessary. »

Thank You @RepLarryBucshon And @RepLBR ! This bipartisan Invoice will help preserve WE. direction In blockchain development, which East greatly necessary.

If You think not, China Currently possesses 84% of all blockchain patents. It is time For THE WE. has stage upwards.

This Invoice help.

— Cody Carbon (@CodyCarboneDC)

House committee passes bill to “preserve American leadership” in blockchain

THE pro-crypto Invoice East A of a lot Before Congress that goals has promote THE country deployment And to use of blockchain technology.

House committee adopts bill law to “preserve American leadership” in blockchain” class= News Join We on social networks

A United States Home Committee has unanimously pass A pro-blockchain Invoice, which would be stain THE WE. Trade secretary has promote blockchain deployment And Thus potentially increase THE from the country to use of blockchain technology.

On Dec. 5, THE Home Committee on Energy And Trade vote 46-0 has pass HOUR. 6572, THE Deployment American Blockchains Act of 2023, In A session aimed has clear 44 pieces of legislation.

THE 13 pages blockchain Invoice would be direct secretary of Trade Gina Raimondo has "take Actions necessary And appropriate has promote THE competitiveness of THE United States related has THE deployment, to use, application, And competitiveness of blockchain technology Or other distributed register technology. »

Cody Carbon, THE policy head For blockchain advocacy band THE Bedroom of Digital Trade, felicity THE Committee For who passed THE Invoice on X (Twitter), saying he will "help preserve WE. direction In blockchain development, which East greatly necessary. »

Thank You @RepLarryBucshon And @RepLBR ! This bipartisan Invoice will help preserve WE. direction In blockchain development, which East greatly necessary.

If You think not, China Currently possesses 84% of all blockchain patents. It is time For THE WE. has stage upwards.

This Invoice help.

— Cody Carbon (@CodyCarboneDC)

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