House Of The Dragon's Scariest Moment Rivals Any Game Of Thrones Scene

For starters, the way said scene is staged and allowed to develop is a testament to the show's ability to elevate tension to dizzying heights during a climactic situation. Just as Viserys and the others struggle to figure out exactly how the fight broke out, so does the audience. For a moment, Rhaenyra and Daemon publicly stand too close to each other (I don't know if that mutual instigation played a part), and before you can blink, a fight breaks out, with Laenor involved in a certain way. In Martin's "Fire and Blood," Criston loses control during a tournament and kills Joffrey; here the stakes are raised as the murder occurs at a pre-wedding feast, acting as a precursor to disaster.

Why does Criston, a knight known for his level-headed courage, snap like that? Criston is unable to unleash his rage on Rhaenyra, so he goes after the person who acts as a mirror to his shame: Joffrey. Although the pair are secret lovers to those in power, Joffrey is fine with Laenor and Rhaenyra's arrangement, while Criston sees it as a disgusting reminder of his loss of honor. The consequences are heartbreaking, as Laenor and Rhaenyra are rushed through the wedding ceremony while a rat licks up the fresh blood spilled just outside the makeshift altar. The brutality of the situation reaches its climax when Laenor lets out an anguished cry while holding her dead lover, but he is not allowed to grieve. The show must go on.

Meanwhile, Criston realizes that his actions will have consequences and is about to commit suicide before being stopped by Alicent. This is a turning point in the series, as it will spawn an unlikely, but deadly alliance.

House Of The Dragon's Scariest Moment Rivals Any Game Of Thrones Scene

For starters, the way said scene is staged and allowed to develop is a testament to the show's ability to elevate tension to dizzying heights during a climactic situation. Just as Viserys and the others struggle to figure out exactly how the fight broke out, so does the audience. For a moment, Rhaenyra and Daemon publicly stand too close to each other (I don't know if that mutual instigation played a part), and before you can blink, a fight breaks out, with Laenor involved in a certain way. In Martin's "Fire and Blood," Criston loses control during a tournament and kills Joffrey; here the stakes are raised as the murder occurs at a pre-wedding feast, acting as a precursor to disaster.

Why does Criston, a knight known for his level-headed courage, snap like that? Criston is unable to unleash his rage on Rhaenyra, so he goes after the person who acts as a mirror to his shame: Joffrey. Although the pair are secret lovers to those in power, Joffrey is fine with Laenor and Rhaenyra's arrangement, while Criston sees it as a disgusting reminder of his loss of honor. The consequences are heartbreaking, as Laenor and Rhaenyra are rushed through the wedding ceremony while a rat licks up the fresh blood spilled just outside the makeshift altar. The brutality of the situation reaches its climax when Laenor lets out an anguished cry while holding her dead lover, but he is not allowed to grieve. The show must go on.

Meanwhile, Criston realizes that his actions will have consequences and is about to commit suicide before being stopped by Alicent. This is a turning point in the series, as it will spawn an unlikely, but deadly alliance.

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