How to Assess Your Home's Risk to Climate Change

Image for article titled How to Assess Climate Change Risks in Your Home Photo: johnmoorefour (Shutterstock)

It seems like we can't go more than a few days without an alarming headline about the climate crisis, from an impending "megastorm" in California to a "environmental storm". the nuclear bomb" being prepared in Utah, to data suggesting that extreme temperatures (over 100 degrees Fahrenheit) are likely to occur more frequently, for longer periods, in more of the country during the decades to come.


How to Assess Your Home's Risk to Climate Change
Image for article titled How to Assess Climate Change Risks in Your Home Photo: johnmoorefour (Shutterstock)

It seems like we can't go more than a few days without an alarming headline about the climate crisis, from an impending "megastorm" in California to a "environmental storm". the nuclear bomb" being prepared in Utah, to data suggesting that extreme temperatures (over 100 degrees Fahrenheit) are likely to occur more frequently, for longer periods, in more of the country during the decades to come.


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