How to choose the perfect electric blanket for you

Image for article titled How to choose the perfect electric blanket for you Photo: Agenturfotografin (Shutterstock)

As we head into a winter with runaway inflation and rising energy costs, an electric blanket can be a solid investment. They'll keep you warm and they're cheap to useit costs about 15 to 30 cents to keep an electric blanket on for 10 hours. If you live in an older, drafty house or if your utility bills are becoming a source of anxiety for you, an electric blanket might be the perfect solution. Here's how to choose the one that will meet all your needs.


How to choose the perfect electric blanket for you
Image for article titled How to choose the perfect electric blanket for you Photo: Agenturfotografin (Shutterstock)

As we head into a winter with runaway inflation and rising energy costs, an electric blanket can be a solid investment. They'll keep you warm and they're cheap to useit costs about 15 to 30 cents to keep an electric blanket on for 10 hours. If you live in an older, drafty house or if your utility bills are becoming a source of anxiety for you, an electric blanket might be the perfect solution. Here's how to choose the one that will meet all your needs.


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