How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy in 2022

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Content is still king, but the problem is there are so many forms of content now! So where to start ? Content marketing for you can be a full-time job, and if you are unable to hire a full-time marketer or are looking to do it yourself, then you will need 100 % of a .

First of all, 82% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing, which means there's a good chance your competitors are investing. So if you're not, you're going to be left behind. But content marketing can be quite overwhelming, so it's essential that you create a content marketing strategy before you get started.

What exactly is a content marketing strategy? A content marketing strategy is a detailed document that plans out exactly what content you will publish, through which channels, when, and to whom. It's designed to help you think of a clear path to talk to your customers, educating and entertaining them, while building awareness of your brand. It should list your goals on each platform and a timeline for achieving them.

Related: How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy That Works

Why is a content marketing strategy beneficial?

81% of marketers consider creating a content marketing strategy a vital business strategy, and so do I. Without one, you're just posting directionless content and won't really be able to deliver a powerful message.

A content marketing strategy is useful because it allows you to set clear goals and measure results. What actually worked? Why did it work? What went wrong? How can we improve this next time? By answering these questions, you will continually improve your marketing. You can also align these marketing goals with your overall business goals.

By following a content marketing strategy, you are able to consistently publish good quality content without fear of having a blind spot or writer's block. It also motivates marketers because they can take pride in their work and work towards their goals.

Related: 6 Key Tips to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy

Essentially, creating a content marketing strategy involves 6 main steps:

1. Set your goals:

What do you really want to accomplish? Brand awareness and customer growth? Are you launching new products that you want to sell? Are you expanding into a new area or just trying to improve your online reputation? Whatever your goals, your content should match them.

2. Who is your target audience and what do they need?

It's always very tempting to say that your audience is everyone, because you want to reach as many people as possible. But then you end up making your content too broad and you end up talking to no one at all.

So think about exactly who you want as customers, what they do, where they shop, how old they are, etc., and talk to them directly and resolve their needs.

3. Competitors

It's always good to know what your competitors are doing. What content do they put and where? What works for them and what doesn't? Why doesn't it work and how can you make it work for you?

4. Content Marketing Plan

This is where you specify exactly what content to post and when. More info in the next section!

5. Create content and promote

This step is where most people skip without doing all the previous work. This is the "fun" part, but without the previous four steps, how would you actually know what to create?

6. Analyze results

The best thing about digital marketing is the fact that you have data to read...

How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy in 2022

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Content is still king, but the problem is there are so many forms of content now! So where to start ? Content marketing for you can be a full-time job, and if you are unable to hire a full-time marketer or are looking to do it yourself, then you will need 100 % of a .

First of all, 82% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing, which means there's a good chance your competitors are investing. So if you're not, you're going to be left behind. But content marketing can be quite overwhelming, so it's essential that you create a content marketing strategy before you get started.

What exactly is a content marketing strategy? A content marketing strategy is a detailed document that plans out exactly what content you will publish, through which channels, when, and to whom. It's designed to help you think of a clear path to talk to your customers, educating and entertaining them, while building awareness of your brand. It should list your goals on each platform and a timeline for achieving them.

Related: How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy That Works

Why is a content marketing strategy beneficial?

81% of marketers consider creating a content marketing strategy a vital business strategy, and so do I. Without one, you're just posting directionless content and won't really be able to deliver a powerful message.

A content marketing strategy is useful because it allows you to set clear goals and measure results. What actually worked? Why did it work? What went wrong? How can we improve this next time? By answering these questions, you will continually improve your marketing. You can also align these marketing goals with your overall business goals.

By following a content marketing strategy, you are able to consistently publish good quality content without fear of having a blind spot or writer's block. It also motivates marketers because they can take pride in their work and work towards their goals.

Related: 6 Key Tips to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy

Essentially, creating a content marketing strategy involves 6 main steps:

1. Set your goals:

What do you really want to accomplish? Brand awareness and customer growth? Are you launching new products that you want to sell? Are you expanding into a new area or just trying to improve your online reputation? Whatever your goals, your content should match them.

2. Who is your target audience and what do they need?

It's always very tempting to say that your audience is everyone, because you want to reach as many people as possible. But then you end up making your content too broad and you end up talking to no one at all.

So think about exactly who you want as customers, what they do, where they shop, how old they are, etc., and talk to them directly and resolve their needs.

3. Competitors

It's always good to know what your competitors are doing. What content do they put and where? What works for them and what doesn't? Why doesn't it work and how can you make it work for you?

4. Content Marketing Plan

This is where you specify exactly what content to post and when. More info in the next section!

5. Create content and promote

This step is where most people skip without doing all the previous work. This is the "fun" part, but without the previous four steps, how would you actually know what to create?

6. Analyze results

The best thing about digital marketing is the fact that you have data to read...

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