How to effectively integrate and train your new recruits

Onboarding quality employees is one of the most important things you can do for your business. You want your new hires to feel welcome and wanted as soon as they arrive. You need to give them a great first impression of your business and show them that they matter. For many new employees, it is essential to feel that there is a well-defined role and a clear career path.

Not only that, but a good onboarding process can make a huge difference to your retention rates and revenue. Onboarding can also improve employee productivity and morale. And you save time and money when you don't have to constantly replace employees.

Good onboarding starts with great planning. You really can't get away with it when it comes to training your new recruits. It is important to have planned training and processes for dealing with new employees.

Before hiring new employees, plan what they need to know and how you will convey it. It will also make it easier for you. For example, you don't have to scramble to find something for them to do while trying to balance your own work.

You can also create an onboarding checklist for yourself and one for your new hires. This allows you to quickly know what to teach next and see clear progress and tick off what they have learned. It's motivating for both parties. Even better if you have training software that allows gamification. New employees can check off modules as they complete them, see what awaits them, earn rewards, and more.

Once you have prepared your onboarding training, you can then use your calendar to plan it and ensure its success.

1. Set up a dedicated onboarding schedule

Many calendar apps let you set up multiple calendars. So, for example, you can set up a schedule just for onboarding training, showing the full schedule.

This allows you and your new hires to see the full view of your calendar with all your tasks and appointments and only see the training schedule on its own calendar when you need it.< /p>

It helps to have both points of view. With the main calendar view, you can make sure there are no conflicts and time to get to workouts. And with the onboarding schedule, you clearly know the training and what's next.

2. Share your calendars

You can coordinate more efficiently by sharing your calendars. Your new employee will have other items on their schedule in addition to their onboarding training. For example, they may have already booked medical appointments or already booked vacations before getting the job. And there is the work they have to be involved in.

If you both share your calendars, you can easily be more flexible, if needed, and quickly rearrange sessions if something else comes up. Plus, your new employee will be able to see when you're free, so they can book time if they need more help.

Encouraging your new employees to start, regularly use, and share their calendars is good practice for the future.

3. Set up your to-do list

Unless your only job is employee onboarding, you will have other tasks to occupy your time. With your time split between onboarding new hires and your day-to-day work, staying organized is essential. You can add a task/to-do list and take notes on many calendars for easy tracking.

It helps you balance your work with your onboarding tasks. It also alerts you if you are going to have a busy week that might require some extra organization and planning.

Another benefit of adding your to-do list to your calendar is seeing how much you've accomplished. Checking off completed tasks gives a good dose of dopamine and is very motivating.

4. Use time blocking to make sure everything is done

When you're trying to learn something new, it can be easier to dedicate a good block of time to it, rather than skipping through multiple sessions. Time blocking can be useful to facilitate this.

However, time blocking involves dividing your day and week into blocks for specific tasks. It's a great way to combine your to-do list with your calendar. This can be a beneficial technique to ensure you can fit in with onboarding training and your regular tasks and meetings.

You can choose what works best for you from so many options and techniques. For example, time blocking could be one more tool in your organizational arsenal.

5. Set reminders

One of the benefits of using a calendar and to-do lists is that you can add reminders to stay on track.

When setting up your onboarding schedule, be sure to add reminders where needed. This ensures that you don't miss any meetings or tasks or your trainees.

When you're busy, it can be easy...

How to effectively integrate and train your new recruits

Onboarding quality employees is one of the most important things you can do for your business. You want your new hires to feel welcome and wanted as soon as they arrive. You need to give them a great first impression of your business and show them that they matter. For many new employees, it is essential to feel that there is a well-defined role and a clear career path.

Not only that, but a good onboarding process can make a huge difference to your retention rates and revenue. Onboarding can also improve employee productivity and morale. And you save time and money when you don't have to constantly replace employees.

Good onboarding starts with great planning. You really can't get away with it when it comes to training your new recruits. It is important to have planned training and processes for dealing with new employees.

Before hiring new employees, plan what they need to know and how you will convey it. It will also make it easier for you. For example, you don't have to scramble to find something for them to do while trying to balance your own work.

You can also create an onboarding checklist for yourself and one for your new hires. This allows you to quickly know what to teach next and see clear progress and tick off what they have learned. It's motivating for both parties. Even better if you have training software that allows gamification. New employees can check off modules as they complete them, see what awaits them, earn rewards, and more.

Once you have prepared your onboarding training, you can then use your calendar to plan it and ensure its success.

1. Set up a dedicated onboarding schedule

Many calendar apps let you set up multiple calendars. So, for example, you can set up a schedule just for onboarding training, showing the full schedule.

This allows you and your new hires to see the full view of your calendar with all your tasks and appointments and only see the training schedule on its own calendar when you need it.< /p>

It helps to have both points of view. With the main calendar view, you can make sure there are no conflicts and time to get to workouts. And with the onboarding schedule, you clearly know the training and what's next.

2. Share your calendars

You can coordinate more efficiently by sharing your calendars. Your new employee will have other items on their schedule in addition to their onboarding training. For example, they may have already booked medical appointments or already booked vacations before getting the job. And there is the work they have to be involved in.

If you both share your calendars, you can easily be more flexible, if needed, and quickly rearrange sessions if something else comes up. Plus, your new employee will be able to see when you're free, so they can book time if they need more help.

Encouraging your new employees to start, regularly use, and share their calendars is good practice for the future.

3. Set up your to-do list

Unless your only job is employee onboarding, you will have other tasks to occupy your time. With your time split between onboarding new hires and your day-to-day work, staying organized is essential. You can add a task/to-do list and take notes on many calendars for easy tracking.

It helps you balance your work with your onboarding tasks. It also alerts you if you are going to have a busy week that might require some extra organization and planning.

Another benefit of adding your to-do list to your calendar is seeing how much you've accomplished. Checking off completed tasks gives a good dose of dopamine and is very motivating.

4. Use time blocking to make sure everything is done

When you're trying to learn something new, it can be easier to dedicate a good block of time to it, rather than skipping through multiple sessions. Time blocking can be useful to facilitate this.

However, time blocking involves dividing your day and week into blocks for specific tasks. It's a great way to combine your to-do list with your calendar. This can be a beneficial technique to ensure you can fit in with onboarding training and your regular tasks and meetings.

You can choose what works best for you from so many options and techniques. For example, time blocking could be one more tool in your organizational arsenal.

5. Set reminders

One of the benefits of using a calendar and to-do lists is that you can add reminders to stay on track.

When setting up your onboarding schedule, be sure to add reminders where needed. This ensures that you don't miss any meetings or tasks or your trainees.

When you're busy, it can be easy...

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