How to Get Rid of Sewer Smell Coming From Your Shower Drain

Image for article titled How to Get Rid of Sewer Smell From Your Shower Drain Photo: Jason Finn (Shutterstock)

You are in the shower washing your hair, and suddenly you smell something unpleasant. Something that smells like sewage. Your first instinct is that it's coming from the toilet. That may be true, but it could also be your shower drain. Here are some examples of what could be behind the stench and how to get rid of it.

How to Fix Sewer Smell in Your Shower Drain

There are a few potential sources of sewage odor emanating from your shower, tub, or sink. Because the drains are not in the open, it often takes trial and error to figure out what needs to be fixed in order to get rid of the smell. Your best bet is to start with the easiest solution and go from there.

A clogged drain

Sometimes it's obvious when your drain is clogged. Other times a drain may appear to be working, but in reality it is approaching capacity and a blockage.

If you've never had the privilege of cleaning a shower drain before, you might be wondering how this could be the cause of the sewage smell. In that case, buckle up: things are about to get gross.

Sure, there's probably a lot of hair there, but the foul smell usually comes from the bunch of other slimy dirt trapped in it: dead skin, bacteria, residue from soap, body oils, debris, biofilm and whatever else you put down your shower drain.

Lifehacker posted

How to Get Rid of Sewer Smell Coming From Your Shower Drain
Image for article titled How to Get Rid of Sewer Smell From Your Shower Drain Photo: Jason Finn (Shutterstock)

You are in the shower washing your hair, and suddenly you smell something unpleasant. Something that smells like sewage. Your first instinct is that it's coming from the toilet. That may be true, but it could also be your shower drain. Here are some examples of what could be behind the stench and how to get rid of it.

How to Fix Sewer Smell in Your Shower Drain

There are a few potential sources of sewage odor emanating from your shower, tub, or sink. Because the drains are not in the open, it often takes trial and error to figure out what needs to be fixed in order to get rid of the smell. Your best bet is to start with the easiest solution and go from there.

A clogged drain

Sometimes it's obvious when your drain is clogged. Other times a drain may appear to be working, but in reality it is approaching capacity and a blockage.

If you've never had the privilege of cleaning a shower drain before, you might be wondering how this could be the cause of the sewage smell. In that case, buckle up: things are about to get gross.

Sure, there's probably a lot of hair there, but the foul smell usually comes from the bunch of other slimy dirt trapped in it: dead skin, bacteria, residue from soap, body oils, debris, biofilm and whatever else you put down your shower drain.

Lifehacker posted

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