How to grow weed without soil: what is hydroponic cannabis and how do you grow it?

This article was originally published on WeedWeek and appears here with permission.

Hydroponic cannabis is a fascinating and effective way to grow marijuana. There are many ways to grow weed hydroponically, ranging from huge commercial operations to just a garden in your closet. This article will explore the different ways to grow weed hydroponically, what some of the benefits are, and what you'll need to start your own hydroponic garden.


What is Hydroponic Cannabis? Differences Between Soil and Hydroponic Cannabis The benefits of growing cannabis hydroponically How to Grow Hydroponic Marijuana Equipment needed Choose a culture medium Air clay pebbles Coco Coco Perlite Rockwool Vermiculite Choose the right hydroponics system Aeroponics Aquaponics Deep water culture Drip system Ebb and flow

How to grow weed without soil: what is hydroponic cannabis and how do you grow it?

This article was originally published on WeedWeek and appears here with permission.

Hydroponic cannabis is a fascinating and effective way to grow marijuana. There are many ways to grow weed hydroponically, ranging from huge commercial operations to just a garden in your closet. This article will explore the different ways to grow weed hydroponically, what some of the benefits are, and what you'll need to start your own hydroponic garden.


What is Hydroponic Cannabis? Differences Between Soil and Hydroponic Cannabis The benefits of growing cannabis hydroponically How to Grow Hydroponic Marijuana Equipment needed Choose a culture medium Air clay pebbles Coco Coco Perlite Rockwool Vermiculite Choose the right hydroponics system Aeroponics Aquaponics Deep water culture Drip system Ebb and flow

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