How to make time for the most important meal of the day

We've all heard the phrase, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day." However, most of us laugh it off and don't take the idea seriously. And what about all the intermittent fasters? Is a health fad going to be a problem down the road for a lot of people? So why should breakfast be more important than lunch or dinner?

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Rush University Medical Center reports that the phrase is actually true. Eating a healthy breakfast is a great start to the day. It can increase metabolism, improve your focus, and boost vitamin and mineral intake. Plus, you're less likely to be caught snacking throughout the day.

The Cleveland Clinic reports that people who skip breakfast have a 55% increased chance of getting type 2 diabetes. One of the reasons you don't want to skip breakfast is that eating a morning meal speeds up your metabolism, which means you burn more calories throughout the day. In other words, this means that eating breakfast can actually prevent you from gaining extra weight, as long as you eat healthy meals.

Unfortunately, many adults say they skip breakfast simply because they don't have time in the morning. However, you don't have to have a fancy breakfast every day. Even simple, on-the-go options can be nutritious.

So what can you do to have more time in the morning for the most important meal of the day? Here are some tips for making the most of your morning meal time.

1. Establish a morning routine.

Creating a morning routine is one of the most important improvements you can make to your schedule. Adding some structure to mornings can help you feel more rested, confident, and prepared for the day ahead. In fact, successful people have been known to recommend a morning routine as the biggest contributor to their success.

Start by determining the main tasks you need to complete in the first few hours before work. Showering, getting dressed and brushing your teeth should be priorities! If you like morning runs, be sure to fit it into your schedule.

Speaking of a schedule, creating a to-do list for the morning is a great way to stay focused on the task. You are less likely to forget things or get distracted. Want a digital checklist? There is great scheduling software to choose from, and the ease of access will make you more likely to use it.

2. Meal preparation

Planning ahead is essential if you want to optimize your time in the morning. One way to do this is through meal preparation. Sometimes it can be hard to get up earlier to cook a great breakfast. What if you didn't have to get up really early to have a good meal?

Preparing your breakfast in advance can help save your precious morning hours. You can prepare as much or as little in advance as you like. Depending on how much time you want to spend cooking, you can choose to pre-cook elements of your meal. For example, you can cook bacon the day before and use it the next day in your omelet. Eggs are much faster to cook than bacon!

A great way to plan your morning meals in advance is to schedule your breakfasts. Decide what you will do each day of the week. This way you won't have to make up your mind in the morning. As mentioned above, cook certain foods ahead of time so you can easily reheat them or incorporate them into more elaborate foods.

Meal prep is also great for helping you eat healthier. You eat better when you're not in a rush in the morning and have breakfast on the way out. Always wanted to make a fruit smoothie but never had the time? Make one the night before! Using fruits like bananas and strawberries are great sources of vitamins, and adding protein powder is great for keeping you full and energized.

3. Go to bed earlier

Benjamin Franklin knew what he was talking about when he said, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, rich, and wise!" But seriously, how can you expect to be ready...

How to make time for the most important meal of the day

We've all heard the phrase, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day." However, most of us laugh it off and don't take the idea seriously. And what about all the intermittent fasters? Is a health fad going to be a problem down the road for a lot of people? So why should breakfast be more important than lunch or dinner?

Calendar - Calendar

Rush University Medical Center reports that the phrase is actually true. Eating a healthy breakfast is a great start to the day. It can increase metabolism, improve your focus, and boost vitamin and mineral intake. Plus, you're less likely to be caught snacking throughout the day.

The Cleveland Clinic reports that people who skip breakfast have a 55% increased chance of getting type 2 diabetes. One of the reasons you don't want to skip breakfast is that eating a morning meal speeds up your metabolism, which means you burn more calories throughout the day. In other words, this means that eating breakfast can actually prevent you from gaining extra weight, as long as you eat healthy meals.

Unfortunately, many adults say they skip breakfast simply because they don't have time in the morning. However, you don't have to have a fancy breakfast every day. Even simple, on-the-go options can be nutritious.

So what can you do to have more time in the morning for the most important meal of the day? Here are some tips for making the most of your morning meal time.

1. Establish a morning routine.

Creating a morning routine is one of the most important improvements you can make to your schedule. Adding some structure to mornings can help you feel more rested, confident, and prepared for the day ahead. In fact, successful people have been known to recommend a morning routine as the biggest contributor to their success.

Start by determining the main tasks you need to complete in the first few hours before work. Showering, getting dressed and brushing your teeth should be priorities! If you like morning runs, be sure to fit it into your schedule.

Speaking of a schedule, creating a to-do list for the morning is a great way to stay focused on the task. You are less likely to forget things or get distracted. Want a digital checklist? There is great scheduling software to choose from, and the ease of access will make you more likely to use it.

2. Meal preparation

Planning ahead is essential if you want to optimize your time in the morning. One way to do this is through meal preparation. Sometimes it can be hard to get up earlier to cook a great breakfast. What if you didn't have to get up really early to have a good meal?

Preparing your breakfast in advance can help save your precious morning hours. You can prepare as much or as little in advance as you like. Depending on how much time you want to spend cooking, you can choose to pre-cook elements of your meal. For example, you can cook bacon the day before and use it the next day in your omelet. Eggs are much faster to cook than bacon!

A great way to plan your morning meals in advance is to schedule your breakfasts. Decide what you will do each day of the week. This way you won't have to make up your mind in the morning. As mentioned above, cook certain foods ahead of time so you can easily reheat them or incorporate them into more elaborate foods.

Meal prep is also great for helping you eat healthier. You eat better when you're not in a rush in the morning and have breakfast on the way out. Always wanted to make a fruit smoothie but never had the time? Make one the night before! Using fruits like bananas and strawberries are great sources of vitamins, and adding protein powder is great for keeping you full and energized.

3. Go to bed earlier

Benjamin Franklin knew what he was talking about when he said, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, rich, and wise!" But seriously, how can you expect to be ready...

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