how to stain brick

Image for article titled How to dye brick Photo: Ulza (Shutterstock)

The beauty of brick being a building material with a rich color is that if you like that color there is no need to treat paint, wallpaper or any other wall coverings. But if the color of the brick inside or outside your home isn't exactly what you would have chosen yourself, there's a relatively easy and permanent way to change that. Here's what to know about staining brick.

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how to stain brick
Image for article titled How to dye brick Photo: Ulza (Shutterstock)

The beauty of brick being a building material with a rich color is that if you like that color there is no need to treat paint, wallpaper or any other wall coverings. But if the color of the brick inside or outside your home isn't exactly what you would have chosen yourself, there's a relatively easy and permanent way to change that. Here's what to know about staining brick.

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