How to Start a Casual Sex Relationship

Image for article titled How to Start Casual Sex Photo: WHYFRAME (Shutterstock)

A new study suggests that dating app users are more likely to casually date and have casual sex. Surprise! While we probably don't need a study to state the obvious, casual sex still gets a bad rap, especially if that's what you're looking for exclusively. Our sexual wants and needs come and go with life, and sometimes sex is a pleasurable activity that you want to do with no strings attached. But how do you have casual sex while remaining respectful and safe for all parties involved? First, it might be a good idea to define what casual sex means to you.


How to Start a Casual Sex Relationship
Image for article titled How to Start Casual Sex Photo: WHYFRAME (Shutterstock)

A new study suggests that dating app users are more likely to casually date and have casual sex. Surprise! While we probably don't need a study to state the obvious, casual sex still gets a bad rap, especially if that's what you're looking for exclusively. Our sexual wants and needs come and go with life, and sometimes sex is a pleasurable activity that you want to do with no strings attached. But how do you have casual sex while remaining respectful and safe for all parties involved? First, it might be a good idea to define what casual sex means to you.


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