Hugh Jackman: Wolverine star recovers from skin cancer

Hugh JackmanImage source, Getty Images

Australian actor Hugh Jackman has returned to social media with the news that his recent skin cancer tests are all clear.

"My biopsies came back negative!!! Thank you ALL for the love. I feel it!" he posted.

The Wolverine star revealed this week that he had undergone tests after a recent medical check.

Jackman had his first skin cancer removed in 2013, and has since undergone at least six procedures.

The actor repeated his message of protection against the sun by writing, "Please remember to wear sunscreen with a high level of SPF no matter the season".

Jackman took the tests after his doctor noticed "little things that might or might not be [basal cell carcinomas]".

The carcinoma basal cell is not a melanoma - which means it is much less likely to spread - and is caused by overexposure to the sun or tanning beds. Treatment for non-melanoma skin cancers is 90% successful, according to the NHS.

Australia is the skin cancer capital of the world skin, with more than 11,500 people diagnosed with melanoma and approximately 434,000 treated for other skin cancers each year.

Hugh Jackman: Wolverine star recovers from skin cancer
Hugh JackmanImage source, Getty Images

Australian actor Hugh Jackman has returned to social media with the news that his recent skin cancer tests are all clear.

"My biopsies came back negative!!! Thank you ALL for the love. I feel it!" he posted.

The Wolverine star revealed this week that he had undergone tests after a recent medical check.

Jackman had his first skin cancer removed in 2013, and has since undergone at least six procedures.

The actor repeated his message of protection against the sun by writing, "Please remember to wear sunscreen with a high level of SPF no matter the season".

Jackman took the tests after his doctor noticed "little things that might or might not be [basal cell carcinomas]".

The carcinoma basal cell is not a melanoma - which means it is much less likely to spread - and is caused by overexposure to the sun or tanning beds. Treatment for non-melanoma skin cancers is 90% successful, according to the NHS.

Australia is the skin cancer capital of the world skin, with more than 11,500 people diagnosed with melanoma and approximately 434,000 treated for other skin cancers each year.

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