Acting Indian legend Dilip Kumar honored by Hero of Heroes heritage festival

Dilip Kumar, widely regarded as one of India's greatest actors, will be honored with a festival bespoke heritage that will be launched next month.

The Dilip Kumar Hero of Heroes Festival will be held on December 10 and 11 to mark the centenary of the birth of the star. Kumar (aka Yusuf Khan) passed away last July at the age of 98.

The festival is organized by the Film Heritage Foundation, which is behind an upcoming workshop film restoration in Mumbai, and whose director Shivendra Singh Durgapur was at Film Bazaar this week and spoke during a panel on restoration.

The festival will feature four of Kumar "Aan's" landmark films from 1952, "Devdas" (1955) , "Ram Aur Shyam" (1967) and "Shakti" (1982) in over 30 theaters in cities across India. Host cities include Mumbai, Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Pune, Bareilly, Kanpur, Varanasi, Allahabad, Raipur, Indore, Surat, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad.

"Dilip Kumar turns 100! What an incredible opportunity to bring one of the greatest actors of Indian cinema. He is truly the "hero of heroes" because even today he is an actor that the greatest stars look up to. Even though some of these films were released almost seventy years ago , Dilip Kumar's power of performance, methodical acting skill and charisma make him timeless,” said Durgapur.

But before the festival could muster its roster, Durgapur and the FHF first had to overcome the problem of deterioration or missing materials.

"I was so excited thinking about how many [Kumar's] films I could arrange for mark the occasion. Little did I know then that I would have the opposite problem. I was shocked and heartbroken to discover that many of his great films survived only in low resolution formats that could not be shown on big screen,” Durgapur said.

"I tinkered with these movies with great difficulty, many people wondering why some of their Favorite Dilip Kumar films were not included. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for filmmakers and producers to realize that time is running out and they should seek to preserve their films before May it not be too late."

"Yousuf Sahab has set an international bar for Indian actors to follow. Scholarly, eloquent and excellent in his chosen field. Cinema can make those who are gone seem like they are still alive. In this context, for me, Dilip Kumar ji is one of the best living actors in the world," Indian actor Kamal Haasan said. .

"I urge all contemporary moviegoers and actors who have not seen Dilip Kumar greater than don't miss the incredible opportunity to see this giant among actors on the big screen again. It will be a masterclass in acting," said Amitabh Bachchan, Lead Actor and FHF Ambassador. yet to meet an actor who could match his flawless performance, flawless diction and the intelligence and commitment he brought to his craft. Every word he spoke was poetry and when he appeared on screen, everything else was a blur."



Acting Indian legend Dilip Kumar honored by Hero of Heroes heritage festival

Dilip Kumar, widely regarded as one of India's greatest actors, will be honored with a festival bespoke heritage that will be launched next month.

The Dilip Kumar Hero of Heroes Festival will be held on December 10 and 11 to mark the centenary of the birth of the star. Kumar (aka Yusuf Khan) passed away last July at the age of 98.

The festival is organized by the Film Heritage Foundation, which is behind an upcoming workshop film restoration in Mumbai, and whose director Shivendra Singh Durgapur was at Film Bazaar this week and spoke during a panel on restoration.

The festival will feature four of Kumar "Aan's" landmark films from 1952, "Devdas" (1955) , "Ram Aur Shyam" (1967) and "Shakti" (1982) in over 30 theaters in cities across India. Host cities include Mumbai, Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Pune, Bareilly, Kanpur, Varanasi, Allahabad, Raipur, Indore, Surat, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad.

"Dilip Kumar turns 100! What an incredible opportunity to bring one of the greatest actors of Indian cinema. He is truly the "hero of heroes" because even today he is an actor that the greatest stars look up to. Even though some of these films were released almost seventy years ago , Dilip Kumar's power of performance, methodical acting skill and charisma make him timeless,” said Durgapur.

But before the festival could muster its roster, Durgapur and the FHF first had to overcome the problem of deterioration or missing materials.

"I was so excited thinking about how many [Kumar's] films I could arrange for mark the occasion. Little did I know then that I would have the opposite problem. I was shocked and heartbroken to discover that many of his great films survived only in low resolution formats that could not be shown on big screen,” Durgapur said.

"I tinkered with these movies with great difficulty, many people wondering why some of their Favorite Dilip Kumar films were not included. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for filmmakers and producers to realize that time is running out and they should seek to preserve their films before May it not be too late."

"Yousuf Sahab has set an international bar for Indian actors to follow. Scholarly, eloquent and excellent in his chosen field. Cinema can make those who are gone seem like they are still alive. In this context, for me, Dilip Kumar ji is one of the best living actors in the world," Indian actor Kamal Haasan said. .

"I urge all contemporary moviegoers and actors who have not seen Dilip Kumar greater than don't miss the incredible opportunity to see this giant among actors on the big screen again. It will be a masterclass in acting," said Amitabh Bachchan, Lead Actor and FHF Ambassador. yet to meet an actor who could match his flawless performance, flawless diction and the intelligence and commitment he brought to his craft. Every word he spoke was poetry and when he appeared on screen, everything else was a blur."



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