Inside Moskito Island, Virgin tycoon Richard Branson's new private paradise

Welcome to the world of Branson: it's the Virgin tycoon's latest golden private island where you can rent a billionaire's eco-home (but you might have to win the lottery first!) Mark Palmer spends three nights at the Oasis Estate, which occupies the highest point of Moskito. The Island, which has 10 plots, is home to "the most exclusive owners' association in the world", he says. "Our whole three days are an eye opener, the kind of stuff we'll probably never see again," he says. Advertisement

Ring-tailed lemurs have arrived - seven of the little ones fluffy things. They should soon be joined by flocks of flamingo flamingos.

Meanwhile, the population of giant tortoises is expected to increase once they will have made the short journey from neighboring Necker Island.But the biggest newcomers to Moskito are the owners, of whom there are currently eight (with one more to sign), who paid Sir Richard Branson some 22 million pounds for their two-acre plots, then have lavished - or will do more over the next two years - around £45million st erling for building their dream vacation hideaways. Their identities are supposed to remain secret. I know who some are but I promised not to spill the golden beans. Suffice it to say, this is the most exclusive homeowners' association in the world.

No other private island is like this. approaching - although its genesis dovetails with another Caribbean honeypot, Mustique, which Colin Tennant (Lord Glenconner) bought on a whim in 1958, before inviting the great and notorious (including the Princess Margaret and Mick Jagger) to build houses.

Inside Moskito Island, Virgin tycoon Richard Branson's new private paradise
Welcome to the world of Branson: it's the Virgin tycoon's latest golden private island where you can rent a billionaire's eco-home (but you might have to win the lottery first!) Mark Palmer spends three nights at the Oasis Estate, which occupies the highest point of Moskito. The Island, which has 10 plots, is home to "the most exclusive owners' association in the world", he says. "Our whole three days are an eye opener, the kind of stuff we'll probably never see again," he says. Advertisement

Ring-tailed lemurs have arrived - seven of the little ones fluffy things. They should soon be joined by flocks of flamingo flamingos.

Meanwhile, the population of giant tortoises is expected to increase once they will have made the short journey from neighboring Necker Island.But the biggest newcomers to Moskito are the owners, of whom there are currently eight (with one more to sign), who paid Sir Richard Branson some 22 million pounds for their two-acre plots, then have lavished - or will do more over the next two years - around £45million st erling for building their dream vacation hideaways. Their identities are supposed to remain secret. I know who some are but I promised not to spill the golden beans. Suffice it to say, this is the most exclusive homeowners' association in the world.

No other private island is like this. approaching - although its genesis dovetails with another Caribbean honeypot, Mustique, which Colin Tennant (Lord Glenconner) bought on a whim in 1958, before inviting the great and notorious (including the Princess Margaret and Mick Jagger) to build houses.

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