Inside Old Stamp House in the Lake District, Tripadvisor restaurant is the best in the world

Black pudding sweets and duck liver meringues: MailOnline tries the £95 tasting menu at the Lake District restaurant. Customer Ted Thornhill takes a seat for the 10-course tasting menu. Read on for the verdict

As the taxi approaches the Old Stamp House restaurant in Ambleside I wonder what the share would be world's best'.

Would it have the best restaurant entrance in the world? The best restaurant tables and chairs in the world? The best bathroom taps in the world?

This acclaimed Lake District restaurant has been named the global winner of Tripadvisor's Travellers' Choice "Best of the Best" Restaurants Awards for the past two years, garnering rave reviews from nearly every diner (1,334 "excellent" reviews out of 1,477 at time of writing). its credentials as a world leader don't immediately show up, but seep into the 10-course tasting menu that my buddy Colin (a top wine merchant) and I enjoy, complete with a flight of wine.

The Old Stamp House restaurant in Ambleside (above) has been named winner of Tripadvisor's Global Travellers' Choice 'Best of the Best' Restaurants Awards for the past two years Ted Thornhill pulls up a chair and tries the £95 10-course tasting menu</h2></div>
                                                <div class=   Travel   Dec 12, 2022   0   34  Add to Reading List

Inside Old Stamp House in the Lake District, Tripadvisor restaurant is the best in the world
Black pudding sweets and duck liver meringues: MailOnline tries the £95 tasting menu at the Lake District restaurant. Customer Ted Thornhill takes a seat for the 10-course tasting menu. Read on for the verdict

As the taxi approaches the Old Stamp House restaurant in Ambleside I wonder what the share would be world's best'.

Would it have the best restaurant entrance in the world? The best restaurant tables and chairs in the world? The best bathroom taps in the world?

This acclaimed Lake District restaurant has been named the global winner of Tripadvisor's Travellers' Choice "Best of the Best" Restaurants Awards for the past two years, garnering rave reviews from nearly every diner (1,334 "excellent" reviews out of 1,477 at time of writing). its credentials as a world leader don't immediately show up, but seep into the 10-course tasting menu that my buddy Colin (a top wine merchant) and I enjoy, complete with a flight of wine.

The Old Stamp House restaurant in Ambleside (above) has been named winner of Tripadvisor's Global Travellers' Choice 'Best of the Best' Restaurants Awards for the past two years Ted Thornhill pulls up a chair and tries the £95 10-course tasting menu                            

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