James Dostoyevsky: Been Potty

So the genius who doesn't know much about football other than watching football in his native USA, but decided to get a few associates together and buy Chelsea FC, really stirred the pot now.

Not that the owner wanted to sell - but under a directive that looked like a forced nationalization of private property (I guess some lawyers are having a lot of fun dismantling the [il]legality of the deal imposed by the government), or in simpler terms, theft, Abramovich was forced to sell.

The condition was that he wouldn't get a dime, having reinvented what had been a struggling club for decades, a club that hadn't won trophies for ages, before arriving as a than Phoenix who raised them from their home ashes.

Anyone who thought due process in England was one thing, quickly learned two things:

This is not the case, and If you're a Russian billionaire, you're toast by definition, that is, if the then British government thinks you should be.

The diktat came from a conservative government that feels so comfortable breaking the law that it wants to ship refugees (they prefer to mistakenly call them 'migrants' no matter what) in Rwanda, the famous democracy that massacred more than a million of its people following a stupid tribal and border war that the same British had provoked and artificially attracted, while they were still in colonial power.

It was a tried-and-true proposition to draw boundaries and borders across lines that would divide tribal nations — and suddenly hundreds of thousands of people found themselves in an artificial land they never wanted. And in the middle of another tribal nation that they had warred with for centuries. Divide and conquer. Clean.

Much the same happened on the Indian subcontinent where the empirical Britons carved out an entire region to artificially create three nations, thus directly fanning the religious and ethnic fires, which continue to this day. Kashmir is a good example of this (good old Queen Victoria played a particular role in this rotten affair). And the then British Home Secretary cleverly imported the Kashmir phenomenon the other day to Britain, saying that it was the 'Pakistani Brits' who did all sorts of nefarious things, even though she was aware of a 2020 report that people of predominantly white ethnicity were/are historically responsible for the abuse of young boys and girls, not the country's brown minority. (Saville isn't just a Row, remember?) It looks, feels, and is kinda weird, when an "Indian Brit," immigrant girl herself, starts pissing with "Pakistani Brits" - while admittedly neither term makes much sense to begin with: in my somewhat limited view of things, either you're a Brit or you're not a Brit. But then, what do I know. I'm just a humble continental European.

So this government—which changes prime ministers and cabinet members with such frequency that it might seem like they're all totally useless—decided that Abramovich had to go. Without an indictment, without a charge or without having been proven and convicted: a procedure generally determined by a court and judged by the defendant's peers who form a jury. Looks like they couldn't find any "peers", who would have done the trick to play the jury: there aren't many billionaires around as peers, are there... and those who are, wouldn't necessarily have been impartial, would they? So better forget the law, don't judge the man, just tell him he's guilty of having the wrong friend. The cool world we live in.

As a result, Abramovich – suspected of several crimes but never charged, tried or convicted in a UK court – was forced to sell Chelsea FC. All this after spending billions of pounds to create a super club, with real professionals like Bruce Buck and Marina Granovskaya at its helm - a woman who really knows what football is (unlike Boehly fans who took relay and thought - hell knows what they were thinking…).

The club was sold for over £4 billion, and I for one would love to know where all that money really ended up: who wouldn't? You wouldn't? It's a British government that's not very keen on financial transparency - at least with Baroness Mone's kind (y?), we all know where the millions of PPE went, don't we ?

Boehly, who studied at LSE London among others (you have to give him that) and a number of his co-investors, certainly paid the price, took matters into their own hands and now the club is paying the price of their ability to screw up just about anything they could. And so fast.

For starters, he kicked out the manager who had won the Champions League for the club (PSG never even approached even though their owners' pockets are certainly even deeper than Boehly's) and was a true professional. Then they hired a man, a decent man, whose fame was previously somewhere in Sweden, then in Brighton, ...

James Dostoyevsky: Been Potty

So the genius who doesn't know much about football other than watching football in his native USA, but decided to get a few associates together and buy Chelsea FC, really stirred the pot now.

Not that the owner wanted to sell - but under a directive that looked like a forced nationalization of private property (I guess some lawyers are having a lot of fun dismantling the [il]legality of the deal imposed by the government), or in simpler terms, theft, Abramovich was forced to sell.

The condition was that he wouldn't get a dime, having reinvented what had been a struggling club for decades, a club that hadn't won trophies for ages, before arriving as a than Phoenix who raised them from their home ashes.

Anyone who thought due process in England was one thing, quickly learned two things:

This is not the case, and If you're a Russian billionaire, you're toast by definition, that is, if the then British government thinks you should be.

The diktat came from a conservative government that feels so comfortable breaking the law that it wants to ship refugees (they prefer to mistakenly call them 'migrants' no matter what) in Rwanda, the famous democracy that massacred more than a million of its people following a stupid tribal and border war that the same British had provoked and artificially attracted, while they were still in colonial power.

It was a tried-and-true proposition to draw boundaries and borders across lines that would divide tribal nations — and suddenly hundreds of thousands of people found themselves in an artificial land they never wanted. And in the middle of another tribal nation that they had warred with for centuries. Divide and conquer. Clean.

Much the same happened on the Indian subcontinent where the empirical Britons carved out an entire region to artificially create three nations, thus directly fanning the religious and ethnic fires, which continue to this day. Kashmir is a good example of this (good old Queen Victoria played a particular role in this rotten affair). And the then British Home Secretary cleverly imported the Kashmir phenomenon the other day to Britain, saying that it was the 'Pakistani Brits' who did all sorts of nefarious things, even though she was aware of a 2020 report that people of predominantly white ethnicity were/are historically responsible for the abuse of young boys and girls, not the country's brown minority. (Saville isn't just a Row, remember?) It looks, feels, and is kinda weird, when an "Indian Brit," immigrant girl herself, starts pissing with "Pakistani Brits" - while admittedly neither term makes much sense to begin with: in my somewhat limited view of things, either you're a Brit or you're not a Brit. But then, what do I know. I'm just a humble continental European.

So this government—which changes prime ministers and cabinet members with such frequency that it might seem like they're all totally useless—decided that Abramovich had to go. Without an indictment, without a charge or without having been proven and convicted: a procedure generally determined by a court and judged by the defendant's peers who form a jury. Looks like they couldn't find any "peers", who would have done the trick to play the jury: there aren't many billionaires around as peers, are there... and those who are, wouldn't necessarily have been impartial, would they? So better forget the law, don't judge the man, just tell him he's guilty of having the wrong friend. The cool world we live in.

As a result, Abramovich – suspected of several crimes but never charged, tried or convicted in a UK court – was forced to sell Chelsea FC. All this after spending billions of pounds to create a super club, with real professionals like Bruce Buck and Marina Granovskaya at its helm - a woman who really knows what football is (unlike Boehly fans who took relay and thought - hell knows what they were thinking…).

The club was sold for over £4 billion, and I for one would love to know where all that money really ended up: who wouldn't? You wouldn't? It's a British government that's not very keen on financial transparency - at least with Baroness Mone's kind (y?), we all know where the millions of PPE went, don't we ?

Boehly, who studied at LSE London among others (you have to give him that) and a number of his co-investors, certainly paid the price, took matters into their own hands and now the club is paying the price of their ability to screw up just about anything they could. And so fast.

For starters, he kicked out the manager who had won the Champions League for the club (PSG never even approached even though their owners' pockets are certainly even deeper than Boehly's) and was a true professional. Then they hired a man, a decent man, whose fame was previously somewhere in Sweden, then in Brighton, ...

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