Jennifer Fisher's career path is anything but ordinary

jennifer fisher

Courtesy of Jennifer Fisherman

In monthly series Desk Schedules, We ask people In powerful positions has take We through their First of all jobs, worse jobs, And All In between. This month, We spoke has jewelry designate Jennifer Fisherman, founder of her eponym double of customizable GOOD jewelry And vast selection of hoop earrings. In front of THE new year, She Frankly sharing THE origin history of her brand on Instagram, For those WHO I do not have Already Iknow. “I was diagnostic with A desmoid tumor on My LEFT chest When I was 30 years old,” She wrote. "I suffered 12 Sleeves of chemotherapy has Cedars-Sinai....I was A wardrobe stylist In The bone Angeles For ten years leading up has My tumor Discovery. I was dating [My now husband] Kevin And he propose has Me during My chemotherapy And We obtained married 08/09/01.” When THE couple was ready has to have children, Fisherman oncologist thought her tumor laid A risk, SO they explored surrogate mother, After failed attempts has IVF. Against all odds, She gave birth has her First of all child, Shane. "I was be given gifts has represent him When he was born And none of them adapted My staff style,” She sharing. A very coveted dog label necklace emblazoned with her son name later, And Jennifer Fisherman Jewelry was born. Read more about how Fisherman obtained there, below.

My First of all job

My father raised We with A mad work ethics, SO My First of all job was cleaning ashtrays has her car concession. I do 25 cents A ashtray! But My First of all industry job was has A shop In Santa Claus Barbara—I was A second year student In high school And research has to carry This green mint As of the Boys dress has A school dance, And My dad was as, "If You to want that dress, go get A job." SO I went has THE store, lied about My age, And became THE best sales girl they Never had.

Jennifer Fisher Office Hours

Courtesy of Jennifer Fisherman

How I obtained begin as A stylist

I used has to want has be THE editor of A F...

Jennifer Fisher's career path is anything but ordinary
jennifer fisher

Courtesy of Jennifer Fisherman

In monthly series Desk Schedules, We ask people In powerful positions has take We through their First of all jobs, worse jobs, And All In between. This month, We spoke has jewelry designate Jennifer Fisherman, founder of her eponym double of customizable GOOD jewelry And vast selection of hoop earrings. In front of THE new year, She Frankly sharing THE origin history of her brand on Instagram, For those WHO I do not have Already Iknow. “I was diagnostic with A desmoid tumor on My LEFT chest When I was 30 years old,” She wrote. "I suffered 12 Sleeves of chemotherapy has Cedars-Sinai....I was A wardrobe stylist In The bone Angeles For ten years leading up has My tumor Discovery. I was dating [My now husband] Kevin And he propose has Me during My chemotherapy And We obtained married 08/09/01.” When THE couple was ready has to have children, Fisherman oncologist thought her tumor laid A risk, SO they explored surrogate mother, After failed attempts has IVF. Against all odds, She gave birth has her First of all child, Shane. "I was be given gifts has represent him When he was born And none of them adapted My staff style,” She sharing. A very coveted dog label necklace emblazoned with her son name later, And Jennifer Fisherman Jewelry was born. Read more about how Fisherman obtained there, below.

My First of all job

My father raised We with A mad work ethics, SO My First of all job was cleaning ashtrays has her car concession. I do 25 cents A ashtray! But My First of all industry job was has A shop In Santa Claus Barbara—I was A second year student In high school And research has to carry This green mint As of the Boys dress has A school dance, And My dad was as, "If You to want that dress, go get A job." SO I went has THE store, lied about My age, And became THE best sales girl they Never had.

Jennifer Fisher Office Hours

Courtesy of Jennifer Fisherman

How I obtained begin as A stylist

I used has to want has be THE editor of A F...

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