Joe Giudice spends New Year with his ex Teresa and his daughters in the Bahamas

Joe Giudice Instagram Story

Joe Giudice East enjoy a few quality time with her family This vacation season, because her ex wife, Therese, And their girls stole has THE Bahamas has celebrate New Years together.

Joe sharing THE family Pictures Friday, showing him posing In in front of A Christmas TREE with her 4 girls Gia, Gabrielle, Milanie, And Audriana ... as GOOD as A photo of THE children with him And Therese.

Joe Giudice Instagram Story

As You know, Joe was deported has her native Italy In 2019 After portion 3 years In prison For fraud ... SO THE Ladies had No choice but has journey internationally has see him In THE islands.

Joe Giudice Instagram story

that of Thérèse new husband, Louis Ruelas, Also took THE journey with THE Ladies ... with everyone cheese together In A of THE photos.

Joe Giudice spends New Year with his ex Teresa and his daughters in the Bahamas
Joe Giudice Instagram Story

Joe Giudice East enjoy a few quality time with her family This vacation season, because her ex wife, Therese, And their girls stole has THE Bahamas has celebrate New Years together.

Joe sharing THE family Pictures Friday, showing him posing In in front of A Christmas TREE with her 4 girls Gia, Gabrielle, Milanie, And Audriana ... as GOOD as A photo of THE children with him And Therese.

Joe Giudice Instagram Story

As You know, Joe was deported has her native Italy In 2019 After portion 3 years In prison For fraud ... SO THE Ladies had No choice but has journey internationally has see him In THE islands.

Joe Giudice Instagram story

that of Thérèse new husband, Louis Ruelas, Also took THE journey with THE Ladies ... with everyone cheese together In A of THE photos.

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