Kanye West calls President Biden 'F***ing' R-Word, says he's allowed to say it


Kanye West rips President Biden for not choosing Elon Musk's mastermind and using offensive language - claiming the Prez is "fucking ret***ed".

Ye went off on POTUS during his interview with Piers Morgan, saying he could use the R-word, and any other word, due to being diagnosed with "problems with mental health".

Interestingly, these issues didn't stop Kanye from being fully aware that the ableist epithet would offend him. He told Piers, "The President of the United States doesn't have a date with Elon Musk. This is shit...Hey, come on, come get me...It's shit... *ed. I know I'm not supposed to say that Biden, but that's fucking ret ***, Biden."

10/18/22 Talk TV

As we reported...in the same interview, Ye dug himself an even deeper hole in his recent anti-Semitic comments, trying to clear things up by telling Piers he doesn't wish death only to the Jews who, according to him, screwed him up.

As for Ye's claim, he gets a pass because of his mental health - that's not fly with a lot of people, including Howard Stern, who said on his show Wednesday ..."If he's so mentally ill, why doesn't he appoint a curator for his money like they did with poor Britney Spears?"

Kanye West calls President Biden 'F***ing' R-Word, says he's allowed to say it

Kanye West rips President Biden for not choosing Elon Musk's mastermind and using offensive language - claiming the Prez is "fucking ret***ed".

Ye went off on POTUS during his interview with Piers Morgan, saying he could use the R-word, and any other word, due to being diagnosed with "problems with mental health".

Interestingly, these issues didn't stop Kanye from being fully aware that the ableist epithet would offend him. He told Piers, "The President of the United States doesn't have a date with Elon Musk. This is shit...Hey, come on, come get me...It's shit... *ed. I know I'm not supposed to say that Biden, but that's fucking ret ***, Biden."

10/18/22 Talk TV

As we reported...in the same interview, Ye dug himself an even deeper hole in his recent anti-Semitic comments, trying to clear things up by telling Piers he doesn't wish death only to the Jews who, according to him, screwed him up.

As for Ye's claim, he gets a pass because of his mental health - that's not fly with a lot of people, including Howard Stern, who said on his show Wednesday ..."If he's so mentally ill, why doesn't he appoint a curator for his money like they did with poor Britney Spears?"

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