Katy Perry carries daughter Daisy, 1, on rare public outing to park together: pic

katy perry daisy See the gallery Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry The Weinstein Company and Netflix Golden Globe After Party, Los Angeles, America - January 10, 2016 Beverly Hills, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* - Katy Perry keeps a low profile in a mask and tracksuit as she enjoys her afternoon at the park with daughter Daisy in Beverly Pictured: Katy Perry BACKGRID USA JULY 25, 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Customers - Images Containing Children Please pixelate face before posting * Los Angeles, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* - Kate Perry takes Daisy Dove and her mother Mary Perry to enjoy a day at the park in Los Angeles. L The American Idol host was seen cutting a relaxed figure in blue sweats and a pair of Birkenstocks for the outing.Pictured: Katy Perry 44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK customers - Images containing children, please rasterize the face before publication*

Katy Perry was the ultimate doting mother as she celebrated a bonding moment with her one-year-old daughter, Daisy Bloom, in Beverly Hills on July 25. The mother/daughter duo strolled through a park, with Katy keeping things low-key in brown sportswear. She kept a low profile wearing a hat, sunglasses and a face mask, trying to go incognito for the casual day. Katy carried her blonde baby in her arms as she took a few steps.

Katy Perry carries daughter Daisy, 1, on rare public outing to park together: pic
katy perry daisy See the gallery Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry The Weinstein Company and Netflix Golden Globe After Party, Los Angeles, America - January 10, 2016 Beverly Hills, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* - Katy Perry keeps a low profile in a mask and tracksuit as she enjoys her afternoon at the park with daughter Daisy in Beverly Pictured: Katy Perry BACKGRID USA JULY 25, 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Customers - Images Containing Children Please pixelate face before posting * Los Angeles, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* - Kate Perry takes Daisy Dove and her mother Mary Perry to enjoy a day at the park in Los Angeles. L The American Idol host was seen cutting a relaxed figure in blue sweats and a pair of Birkenstocks for the outing.Pictured: Katy Perry 44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK customers - Images containing children, please rasterize the face before publication*

Katy Perry was the ultimate doting mother as she celebrated a bonding moment with her one-year-old daughter, Daisy Bloom, in Beverly Hills on July 25. The mother/daughter duo strolled through a park, with Katy keeping things low-key in brown sportswear. She kept a low profile wearing a hat, sunglasses and a face mask, trying to go incognito for the casual day. Katy carried her blonde baby in her arms as she took a few steps.

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