Keeping Wall Street at bay: RAW Rolling Papers' Josh Kesselman dreams of taking his company public — but only for real fans to invest in it


Josh Kesselman, founder of RAW Rolling Papers, has A dream: has take her business public In A path that exclusively implied The RAWs loyal customer base. "My dream East that We TO DO A Initial Public Offering, but We TO DO he In A path Or You can only buy A share if You analysis A Barcode Or A QR coded on THE inside of A pack of rolling papers," he said Benzinga Cannabis In A exclusive interview. This innovative approach goals has keep institutional investors has bay And to focus on THE community that has supported RAW Since THE start.

A Vision For Community Investment

by Kesselman idea turned around create A more Understood And community focused investment model. "That path We can keep he out of THE hands of institutional investors And Really just to have OUR base, heart walk be THE those WHO invest In We," he said. This method would be ensure that THE very people WHO to use And love RAW some products could advantage financially Since THE the society success. "If A business do GOOD, THE very even people that support We, TO DO GOOD with We, And We literally all get upper together. »

Despite THE challenges of execution such A model, Kesselmann remains determined. "There is No mechanism I know of that could allow Me has TO DO What I to want has TO DO Again, but It is THE path I to want has TO DO he," he note. Her contempt For traditional Wall Street practices East obvious. "I wouldn't it be to want has to have institutional investors as A guys In Wall Street smoking A cigar, purchase Or short circuit My action. I Really to want he has be something Or It is In fact OUR people that are THE only those that can invest. »

While searching Solutions For RAW Initial Public Offering

Kesselmann East open has ideas And collaboration has TO DO her dream A reality. "Maybe someone In your audience can In fact say Me how has TO DO What I to want has TO DO," he he thought. Her ultimate aim East has create A sustainable legacy. "Identifier love has craftsmanship A legacy that East something that East Really legendary, man. As THE kind of thing that GOOD be talk about eons Since NOW. »

Kesselmann First of all discussed her unique vision For A RAW Initial Public Offering during A session has THE WCCB Exposure In New York, Or he spoke with Tim Seymour of CNBC. This conversation was initially reported by Debra Borchardt of Green Walk Report, highlighting by Kesselman desire has involve only RAW loyal consumers In THE Initial Public Offering process.

This vision align with by Kesselman desire has stay TRUE has THE RAW brand And It is community. "If You are while going public, SO I to want has bring In THE public, not just go public has take their money. I think about he This path: Let's go turn This In more of A public brand Or We In fact all advantage Since he, not just a few short seller guys smoking A cigar. »

A Staff Assignment

For Kesselman, This dream East deeply staff. He wanna has ensure that RAW loyal clients are THE those WHO collect THE rewards of THE the company success. "I hope people are GOOD with My dream. I hope they see THE vision," he said. Her commitment has keeping The RAWs public offer community focused East unshakeable. "I to want has bring My people In. Imagine if You ran A publicly negotiated business Or all of your shareholders were your Fans WHO consumes your product. Imagine What that would be be as. »

by Kesselman passion For her product And her community shines through In her words And Actions. As RAW keep on going has to grow, her innovative vision For A Initial Public Offering could together A new standard For how companies to commit with their most dedicated supporters.

Picture: Photo courtesy of RAW, edited by Benzinga.

Walk News And Data brought has You by Benzinga Apis

Keeping Wall Street at bay: RAW Rolling Papers' Josh Kesselman dreams of taking his company public — but only for real fans to invest in it

Josh Kesselman, founder of RAW Rolling Papers, has A dream: has take her business public In A path that exclusively implied The RAWs loyal customer base. "My dream East that We TO DO A Initial Public Offering, but We TO DO he In A path Or You can only buy A share if You analysis A Barcode Or A QR coded on THE inside of A pack of rolling papers," he said Benzinga Cannabis In A exclusive interview. This innovative approach goals has keep institutional investors has bay And to focus on THE community that has supported RAW Since THE start.

A Vision For Community Investment

by Kesselman idea turned around create A more Understood And community focused investment model. "That path We can keep he out of THE hands of institutional investors And Really just to have OUR base, heart walk be THE those WHO invest In We," he said. This method would be ensure that THE very people WHO to use And love RAW some products could advantage financially Since THE the society success. "If A business do GOOD, THE very even people that support We, TO DO GOOD with We, And We literally all get upper together. »

Despite THE challenges of execution such A model, Kesselmann remains determined. "There is No mechanism I know of that could allow Me has TO DO What I to want has TO DO Again, but It is THE path I to want has TO DO he," he note. Her contempt For traditional Wall Street practices East obvious. "I wouldn't it be to want has to have institutional investors as A guys In Wall Street smoking A cigar, purchase Or short circuit My action. I Really to want he has be something Or It is In fact OUR people that are THE only those that can invest. »

While searching Solutions For RAW Initial Public Offering

Kesselmann East open has ideas And collaboration has TO DO her dream A reality. "Maybe someone In your audience can In fact say Me how has TO DO What I to want has TO DO," he he thought. Her ultimate aim East has create A sustainable legacy. "Identifier love has craftsmanship A legacy that East something that East Really legendary, man. As THE kind of thing that GOOD be talk about eons Since NOW. »

Kesselmann First of all discussed her unique vision For A RAW Initial Public Offering during A session has THE WCCB Exposure In New York, Or he spoke with Tim Seymour of CNBC. This conversation was initially reported by Debra Borchardt of Green Walk Report, highlighting by Kesselman desire has involve only RAW loyal consumers In THE Initial Public Offering process.

This vision align with by Kesselman desire has stay TRUE has THE RAW brand And It is community. "If You are while going public, SO I to want has bring In THE public, not just go public has take their money. I think about he This path: Let's go turn This In more of A public brand Or We In fact all advantage Since he, not just a few short seller guys smoking A cigar. »

A Staff Assignment

For Kesselman, This dream East deeply staff. He wanna has ensure that RAW loyal clients are THE those WHO collect THE rewards of THE the company success. "I hope people are GOOD with My dream. I hope they see THE vision," he said. Her commitment has keeping The RAWs public offer community focused East unshakeable. "I to want has bring My people In. Imagine if You ran A publicly negotiated business Or all of your shareholders were your Fans WHO consumes your product. Imagine What that would be be as. »

by Kesselman passion For her product And her community shines through In her words And Actions. As RAW keep on going has to grow, her innovative vision For A Initial Public Offering could together A new standard For how companies to commit with their most dedicated supporters.

Picture: Photo courtesy of RAW, edited by Benzinga.

Walk News And Data brought has You by Benzinga Apis

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