Freezing energy prices from work would save older people 26p for every pound of their pension


But if the new cap is implemented in October, three out of four single pensioners who are struggling to get by on £141.85 a week will be plunged in fuel poverty


Image: PA)

Labour's energy price freeze would save older people living alone 26 pence for every pound they receive in retirement.

But if the new cap is enforced in October, three out of four single pensioners struggling to get by on £141.85 a week will be plunged into fuel poverty.

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves said: "Right now, millions of people will not be able to afford to turn on the heating at all.

"I will never forget the woman I spoke to in my constituency of Leeds West who had frozen hands and purple fingers because her pension was not enough to pay for the heating.

"Instead of covering their ears, ministers should bring Parliament back so we can freeze the ceiling."

Ms Reeves is asking MPs to return from vacation tomorrow (Monday) two weeks early to pass the necessary legislation.

No10 did not comment on this proposal yesterday.

This comes as consultancy Auxilione yesterday predicted that the price cap will hit £3,576 in October and rise to £4,799 in January before reaching £6,089 in April.

Rachel Reeves and Keir Starmer (


Getty Images)

The cap is currently £1,971 for the average household.

This means that two in three British families could be in fuel poverty by the New Year, as around 45 million people are at risk of not being able to pay their bills this winter.

The typical household will save £1,000 from the work freeze, up to £1,300 for those using prepaid meters.

Workforce analysis shows retirees would be better off by £1,020 and continue to benefit from the existing £300 of support.

“We are in the midst of a national emergency. But this zombie government is absent'

Freezing energy prices from work would save older people 26p for every pound of their pension


But if the new cap is implemented in October, three out of four single pensioners who are struggling to get by on £141.85 a week will be plunged in fuel poverty


Image: PA)

Labour's energy price freeze would save older people living alone 26 pence for every pound they receive in retirement.

But if the new cap is enforced in October, three out of four single pensioners struggling to get by on £141.85 a week will be plunged into fuel poverty.

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves said: "Right now, millions of people will not be able to afford to turn on the heating at all.

"I will never forget the woman I spoke to in my constituency of Leeds West who had frozen hands and purple fingers because her pension was not enough to pay for the heating.

"Instead of covering their ears, ministers should bring Parliament back so we can freeze the ceiling."

Ms Reeves is asking MPs to return from vacation tomorrow (Monday) two weeks early to pass the necessary legislation.

No10 did not comment on this proposal yesterday.

This comes as consultancy Auxilione yesterday predicted that the price cap will hit £3,576 in October and rise to £4,799 in January before reaching £6,089 in April.

Rachel Reeves and Keir Starmer (


Getty Images)

The cap is currently £1,971 for the average household.

This means that two in three British families could be in fuel poverty by the New Year, as around 45 million people are at risk of not being able to pay their bills this winter.

The typical household will save £1,000 from the work freeze, up to £1,300 for those using prepaid meters.

Workforce analysis shows retirees would be better off by £1,020 and continue to benefit from the existing £300 of support.

“We are in the midst of a national emergency. But this zombie government is absent'

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